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Sunday, January 28, 2018

That moment when you realize an entire nation dodged a bullet


  1. thanks for that!! just what i didnt need... and now i cant see this!

  2. More than Most Know !!!

  3. Just how in the hell do we unsee that??

  4. Stick your head in a bowling ball cleaner. Worth a try.

  5. I'm washing my eyes tonight!
    I guess they let her out of the rubber room for the weekend.

  6. I wanted to post a comment, but lost for words!!!

  7. Freaks deny the truth.

  8. President Trump ordered the firing last June of Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel overseeing the Russia investigation, according to four people told of the matter, but ultimately backed down after the White House counsel threatened to resign rather than carry out the directive.

    That's called obstruction of justice!

    1. 9:04. Surprised that got posted.

    2. 9:04 Fake news. Do some research. Your sleazy Democratic Party has a lot to be afraid of. And the truth will come out. I'm sure you had no problem with Comey giving Hillary a pass 3 months before he made his announcement. That's called obstruction of justice. The FBI is corrupt. When this is all said and done you and your fellow dems will be made to look like fools.

    3. 9:47. They already look like fools.


  9. Quick! Where's the eye bleach?

    Sincere sympathy to the poor workers who were exposed to the fabric making process. Where's OSHA when you need them?

  10. just waiting for the day when all these snowflakes start getting what they deserve!

  11. I thank GOD everyday for my wife of 49 years , I could have been married to that thing . What a hell-of-a-thing to wake up with in the morning.

  12. 9:04
    Mueller is still on the job.
    Obstruction of justice is when you smash your government owned blackberries with hammers and wipe your home brewed email server with bleachbit.

  13. Be interesting to get a DNA sample to find out what that nasty, vile,species could possibly be that is out among the public.

    Believe me, the nation knew on election night that we dodged more than a bullet.

  14. She is blessed with stupid brain dead genes and ugly to boot.

  15. Man that is 10 different kinds of ugly.

  16. Looks like a lot like Deputy Admin Alison Pulcher, if you ask me.

  17. I was going to comment but .................

  18. She should use some of that face spackle that Hillary uses.

  19. @8:47, what makes you think it is even a woman? This is evidence of the kind of people that vote democrat.

  20. Oh my gosh, I was eating a sandwich while running up on this. Can't take a chance of looking at this blog while eating again.

  21. It's too late to splash bleach in my eyes.....

    Thank God Trump smacked their whack, pansie, delusional, arrogantly stupid, and uninformed aces all over the place. Thank God.
    Is that liberal camo gear?

  22. For the month before the midterms, we all need to fund ads to show all the liberal freaks who represent the left.
    And Hillary had The cajones to call us deplorable.

  23. Libtard- the original.


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