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Sunday, January 28, 2018

Same-sex active-duty couple marries at West Point

WEST POINT, N.Y. - Two Army captains who met at West Point have returned there to be married, in what is believed to be the first same-sex marriage of active-duty personnel at the storied New York military academy.

The New York Times reports Captains Daniel Hall and Vincent Franchino were married on Jan. 13. They're both Apache helicopter pilots stationed at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas.



  1. Fort Bliss - LOL. The mascot at Ft. Bliss is a rainbow colored unicorn.

  2. disgusting! West Point is losing all values!

  3. Makes me want to throw up

  4. Eeeeewwwwweeee!!!!

  5. This is so gross it makes me sick to look at it.

  6. 7:35 7:37
    They both have more honor and are braver than you two keyboard commandos.

  7. I just lost my lunch....and dinner.
    That's just......wrong!

  8. Did you really have to post this? Even though they may have the right to do this, so the law says, it's disgusting and should be kept in private....

  9. Freaks deny the truth and the word. The further we remove ourselves from the bibles truths the closer they move to hell

  10. WHAT?! Please tell me this is a joke

  11. Why does it make you want to throw up, how does it affect you in any way whatsoever. Who cares

  12. Replies
    1. Yes Thank you Obama for bringing in some common sense. So now how about the real snowflake sissies on this board move on to more important issues. Last i checked, these two signed up to give their lives to protect american freedoms.

  13. 7:37 I did!

    Reminded me of a certain public official.

  14. our enemies will beat us from within with crap like this happening to our military and the public. Good Lord

  15. What happened to "support the troops", aren't you flag waving, standing during the anthem, red blooded 'Muricans who support the troops?

    Why don't you support our brave troops?

  16. 8:57, it appears they signed up to choose their meat.

    I hope our friend " I almost threw up in my lemonade" is okay. Haven't heard the phrase on here lately. Now is the time, we need you.

    Goes to show how society has deteriorated when it surfaces at West Point.

  17. As someone who served 20 years in the Marines, I find this repulsive. For those of you who have never served, allowing openly gay personel in the military will create nothing but problems. I don't respect these deviants expressing their warped morality. Thank you Obama, Clinton and all the liberals for their lack of standards. Poor example for our nation and our children. It's an embarssment.

  18. How do people with mental issues serve in the military?

    1. Not sure, why don't you tell us how YOU get through the day and we'll take it from there

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    7:35 7:37
    They both have more honor and are braver than you two keyboard commandos.

    January 25, 2018 at 8:41 PM

    Oh, horseshit.

    Blogger Unknown said...
    Why does it make you want to throw up, how does it affect you in any way whatsoever. Who cares

    January 25, 2018 at 9:28 PM

    Because it's nasty? Maybe you are one of them and that's why you don't care. It will cause nothing but problems for our military and our security but you would know nothing about either.

  20. Maybe they signed up to meet men. Or rather someone just like them. A wanna be woman. Oh, and where did you actually check?

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Yes Thank you Obama for bringing in some common sense. So now how about the real snowflake sissies on this board move on to more important issues. Last i checked, these two signed up to give their lives to protect american freedoms.

    January 26, 2018 at 8:57 AM

    Your first sentence negates anything after it. You showed your ignorance right off the bat.

  22. Uh oh, they crossed swords

  23. that looks like ed and brian at the civic center

  24. 8:57...they didn't "sign-up". They applied to a prestigious and honorable college that happens to train young men and women to lead other brave young men in battle. In return, they have to 'pay back' the free education by serving 5 years.
    I have a son in the Army and can't be more proud of anyone on the planet.
    But these 2 guys. No, I can't be proud of that. It's not normal and shouldn't be displayed or portrayed as normal in our military.
    To think my son would take a bullet for one of them absolutely disgusts and angers me.
    What they do in private is their own business but stop pushing abnormal behavior on the rest of us- especially in our military institutions. I don't care if you are creationist or Darwinist - homosexuality is NOT normal. You have a penis for 2 reasons: peeing and procreating. To use it otherwise is a crime against nature.

  25. The problem is an psychological issue which causes some people to identify themselves by very particular sexual behaviors one chooses to engage. That is abnormal. Most of us don't identify ourselves by our sexual behaviors, do we?

    Hi, I'm Bob. I enjoy having missionary style intercourse with my wife. A lot. Can I help you?

    Well, I was wondering if you have these shoes in size 11?

    Let me check.

    So on . . .


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