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Monday, January 22, 2018

Someone get the straight jackets


  1. They're the sideshow that wants to take over the circus.

  2. the other 3 make Elizabeth Warren look good!

  3. Top left appears to have escaped from some institution.
    Top right appears to have been fired from a rodeo.
    Bottom left....well as the good president would say. "look at that face".
    Bottom right appears to be a relative of a mule I once had on the farm.

    Now normally someone would get on here and call me a ole white man (probably correct). But, you can't call me racist because I a referring to half apparently Caucasian and half, another race.

    One thing for sure, it is disheartening to see such specimens in public office and eating from our trough.

  4. It's pretty obvious that women do not belong in politics.

  5. That thing in that costume looks asinine. I guess she thinks she looks cute. It's so unprofessional but what do you expect from them.

  6. There's nothing that impresses voters more than a $600 color coordinated cowgirl hat on a dime store cowgirl wannabe.

  7. bottom right gets a govt subsidy for lipstick, she buys it buy the 5 gal bucket. does lipstick on a pig come to mind?

  8. They shouldn't have the positions that they do all four are LOOSERS!

  9. 11:31 I think you'r racist because bottom left ain't no caucasian thats a native American.


  10. You gonna get sued. Hillary and Queen Jackson Lee not included in the display. Since there's more than one omission, they'll make it a classless action!

  11. 5:50, like I said "you'r" probably correct. She could be a proctologist, the way she positions her finger. Who knows may even feel like a male Indian today."Ain't" disagreeing with you though.

    Signed 11:31


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