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Monday, January 08, 2018

Ship carrying 4,000 passengers left 'traumatized'

Passengers aboard a luxury cruise liner returning from the Caribbean say they are lucky to be alive after their ship was nearly demolished by a ferocious winter storm.

Recounting their harrowing experience was the Ross family, of Stony Brook, New York, who spoke with CBS News on Friday.

'I thought I'd never be in a situation where I would say that's the scariest moment of my life,' said Karoline Ross. 'This was the worst moment of my life.'



  1. As an ex Navy man here I am sorry but if you go near the Atlantic in winter you're going to get a rough ride. Come on folks dummy up....

  2. Hey, they wanted an adventure.

  3. Oh. Karoline with a “K” was scared. Suck it up cupcakes. Worked on ships for years, saw the videos on the news and that’s moderately rough but I’ve seen worse. Let me guess...you want a full refund.

  4. I live in Salisbury and i'm traumatized everyday. you wanta be really scared? just go to the mall at night

  5. Traumatized? Get real. I would have paid extra for that adventure. No one died, and oh, what a ride. What a bunch of wusses, looking for compensation for their discomfort.


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