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Monday, January 08, 2018

Americans Are Ditching These Five States In Record Numbers

Apparently surging violent crime, massive tax hikes and insolvent public pensions are bad for attracting new residents...who knew? On the other hand, 364 days of sunshine per year, minimal crime, brand new infrastructure and some of the lowest tax rates in the country seems to be, to our complete shock, somewhat appealing to folks looking to relocate.

But that is just a couple of many interesting takeaways to be gleaned from the latest annual "U.S. Migration Report" from North American Moving Services which found that Illinois was the most ditched state in 2017.

A quick review of the data above, combined with the more comprehensive domestic migration map below, reveals a few other interesting themes:


1 comment:

  1. I was in southern California for business in October. You wouldn't think you were in the U.S. Homeless tents lining the streets on both sides, few that speak English and many wearing burkas.

    What a shame the dumbocrats have done to that state to get illegal dumbocrat votes.


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