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Sunday, January 21, 2018

NFL Ratings Crash for the Divisional Playoff Round

The NFL had high hopes that their all-important postseason games, would reverse the terrible ratings trend which has plagued the league all year long.

Those hopes were dashed after the Wild Card round, saw a 13 percent decrease in ratings from the previous year. Which, put an added sense of importance on the Divisional playoff games this past weekend.

Well, the ratings have been tabulated from this past weekend and, unfortunately for the NFL, the numbers do not look good.

According to SportsBusiness Daily, the ratings for all four games fell to the lowest level in nearly a decade.



  1. National

  2. Wait until next year, This racist kneeling started after the season started so most had tickets already.

  3. I had it on while I was cleaning the house and a lot of people missed 2 great games.

  4. Watching the NFL was like a habit. And now, viewers have gone thru withdrawal and probably won't go back. I know that I have no intention of watching another NFL game. I am pretty much through with all pro sports.

  5. SO that tells us that 13% of the NFL's viewers are dumb rednecks, got it :)

  6. @ 3:41 If dumb rednecks are paying your salary it' best to be respectful and not insult them or you may have to take a pay cut or worse...We will see who the dummy's are...

  7. SO 341, that tells us you think that you're either a self-absorbed, antagonistic, disrespectful, childish, America-hating, hand-out seeking leech, or a dumb redneck...guess I'm proud to be a deplorable dumb redneck!

  8. @3:41 not everyone wants to watch a bunch of clowns run around playing a game dancing and celebrating after every play. Today's athletes have ruined sports a bunch of pansies

  9. SCREW the NFL,Roger Godell and all the players that have ever taken a knee.I was a loyal NFL fan for 50 years,I'm done with that ingrateful America hating bunch of spoiled over paid PIECES of S#!t F them I'm done forever.

  10. Has more to do with who is in it, than anything else. Atlanta, Minn, Jax, Ten, will not get high viewing numbers.

  11. It is good that some of you fat rednecks are getting off the sofa on Sundays and maybe even spending time with your slovenly families.

    1. 6:31 Aww look at you. All grown up yet still acting like your 12?calling people names. 😂🤣😂

  12. @6:31 its good that you actually have found a way to express your meaningless opinions. It is rather sad to read someone like yourself post such tasteless and thoughtless views. It must be ad when your computer screen is your best friend

  13. LOL You probably still don't know what slovenly means.

  14. @ 6:31 as fat and sloven as we may or may not be we still pay for your life and that could end too.

  15. Poor dumb rednecks, I pay more in property taxes annually than you make in a year. Good try.

    1. 11:52 Money doesn't buy class 😉 At least not in your case anyhow 👍🏻

  16. @11:52 please a man that has any type of financial resources available to him will be the last to boast and brag about what they have. Most people you refer to as a redneck probably have more money put away in mason jars than you have made in a lifetime


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