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Sunday, January 21, 2018

A Viewer Asks...

Question: Anyone using on-line schooling especially high school level? Is so, how is it working for your child. If not, how do you feel about on-line schooling? Thanks. Trying to make a decision.


  1. A child needs social interaction in order to develop normally.

    1. Yes, but the public schools in this area are like prisons where anything goes

    2. Of course a child needs social interaction. You do not have to go to a public school to be exposed. Experiences are social interactions. Finding a sport, dancing, activities at the library, youth groups and many more options. There is a homeschool co op (classical conversations is one) that meets once a week, book clubs, music classes even a homeschool gym class provided by Salisbury University! There are many activites that give a discount to homeschoolers. Examples are gymnastics, tennis, golf, art classes and many others I can't remember. Our area has a very large number of homeschoolers.

  2. We have used Monarch, Bob Jones Univeristy, Kahn Academy and Keystone. I have two kids that started at Wor Wic at 16. They have done well. Keystone is the closest to classes at Wor Wic. There are many options out here. Talk to the board of Ed and see if they can get you in contact with a homeschool group which may help you answer any questions you have. Homeschooling isn't the answer to all things. Every child is different. Some kids need the public school experience. Some do better in a private school. It is really what is best for you and your child. If you do try homeschooling and it isn't a good fit, you always have the option to send them back to high school.

    1. Unfortunately, many online courses will not be accepted for credit in local districts. Go figure.

  3. Conservative TeacherJanuary 17, 2018 at 4:33 PM

    Online is great for the motivated student. Are you leaving because of behavioral/safety concerns at the school? Is your child being stuck in a "dumbed-down" class because of political correctness? Provide more info. I know K12 learning is an option as well. As someone who sees the decay of our education system due to liberal insanity, I completely understand. Personally, I would enroll my kiddo in Wor-Wic full time if a junior or senior.

  4. 3:31 school isn't the only way for children to socially interact.

  5. Calvert Education is a good program also.

  6. Avoid public school if at all possible,they are overloaded with trouble making hood rats.

  7. I doubt they need the social interaction that they would get at our public schools. There are other ways to meet with other kids their age.

  8. Or you could move to an area with a great school district where education is a priority.


  9. Edmentum is an extensive group of courses used by the local public HS system to enable students who failed to receive credit without another year spent repeating the class.

    They are comprehensive and you can control certain aspects (to create additional work, for example). There is a pre-test for each module and it will then skip over areas where the student shows proficiency. You can see time on task as an admin, also. Worth a look.

    Motivated kids can play catch up; unmotivated, not so much.

  10. 7:29 Where would that be?

  11. Social interaction would probably produce better results with better individuals that are seeking and obtaining an education in mutually sought after classes and topics, than the current system of being thrown together in a public setting that they are forced to be in.

    Not to mention the physical contact they are forced to endure with people they otherwise would not be in contact with and could avoid.

  12. The 'social interaction' that kids are getting in the schools these days is ruining a lot of them.

    There are many opportunities for kids to socially interact in the community in healthy ways.

    The 'social interaction' argument is a phony one, used quite often by those trying to suppress the homeschool movement.

  13. 7:40 It would be between the 2 o's in GOOGLE. Try searching top public school districts in DE - MD - PA - VA. Not that difficult.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    7:40 It would be between the 2 o's in GOOGLE. Try searching top public school districts in DE - MD - PA - VA. Not that difficult.

    January 18, 2018 at 8:10 AM

    I took your advice and looky looky

    Poolesville High School. Montgomery County Public Schools, MD. ...
    Walt Whitman High School. Montgomery County Public Schools, MD. ...
    Winston Churchill High School. ...
    2018 Best School Districts.
    Richard Montgomery High School. ...
    Thomas S. Wootton High School. ...
    River Hill High School. ...
    Walter Johnson High School.
    More items...

  15. I often see a kid going to school carrying a basketball. No book, no backpack, just his own basketball. Go figure...


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