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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

More than a Photo: Obama's Close Associations with Notorious Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan

TEL AVIV — Amid reports that a 2005 photograph of Barack Obama posing with Louis Farrakhan, the notorious anti-Semitic, anti-American leader of the Nation of Islam, was deliberately suppressed, it may be instructive to recall the former two-term president’s larger ties to Farrakhan, radical associations that run deeper than one picture from 13 years ago.

On January 20, the Trice Edney News Wire published the 2005 photo of Obama with Farrakhan. The news agency quoted photographer Askia Muhammad as saying that after the picture was snapped at a meeting of the Congressional Black Caucus, Muhammad was approached by a caucus member who asked him not to use the image.

“I gave the original disk to him and in a sense swore myself to secrecy because I had quietly made a copy for myself,” Muhammad told Fox News. Muhammad further said that the Congressional Black Caucus expressed concern the photo could harm Obama’s future presidential aspirations.




  2. More Cover up !! Collusion

  3. Dark skinned black people need not apply.

  4. Just another example that leads to a Kenya baby. Obama swindled / con the Liberals and Americans into an illegal Presidency. Cut all US Government money in all from from Obama and Family. Send all them to jail for embezzlement / Ponzi scheme or anything else that can relate to them for stealing tax dollars.


  5. Birds of a philosophical feather. Not a surprise.

  6. You all are some sick bastards, Does Farrakhan Hate Arabs. In case you didn't know Arabs are also Semites. it means half or mixed and I will leave it up to to decides half with What and don't forget that's North Africa. Every time Semite comes out of your sewer you the that its a so called Jew.


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