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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

If You Want To FINE People, This Is Done On Purpose!

And we always point to the WWTP as the only cause of how funky the Wicomico River is.

This is a quick picture of one of the river's tributaries, just one street outside of the city at East Road and Westover Road.
Other pictures are more of the same.

There are adjacent areas where people are hard-filling the stream bed with construction debris. It's a mess.


  1. But Jake Day wants our river to look like in Inner Harbor in Baltimore. Actions and words never match for him.

  2. People are so stupid these days.
    No way this makes any sense to any THINKING person.
    Trash in your yard?

  3. This is a job for Bob Culver!
    Isn't there supposed to be some kind of property inspector that actually works for the county and cites people for things like this?


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