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Sunday, January 28, 2018

Mentally Unstable Nut Job Julie Brewington To Run For Wicomico County Council

It doesn't matter, (obviously) how many times you sign up for AA and attempt to ask for forgiveness in a 12 step program, there isn't a bottle of wine this woman ever passed up by this woman and a plastic surgeon with Botox she ever walked away from either.

That's right, this woman is a nut case and I've even had phone calls from Montgomery County officials who instantly said she's got serious mental issues.

Lawyer, Mrs. Brewington, has my client called you in the past 2 years?

Brewington, No.

Lawyer, Has he text you in the past 2 years?

Brewington, No.

Lawyer, Has he spoken to you in public in any way, shape or form in the last 2 years?

Brewington, No.

Lawyer, Your Honor, can someone please tell me what we're doing here.

Judge, Mrs. Brewington, you filed for a Peace Order in fear for your life. Can you please tell me why you have done so when this man hasn't made any contact with you over the past 2 years.

Brewington: "He's Creepy". 

Judge, Case Dismissed!

The woman has mental issues and has proven to be the town drunk at so many public events it isn't funny. Yeah, this is exactly what Wicomico County needs, another head strong nut job who will take any man to court because they want NOTHING to do with her. Hey Julie, #metoo!

I strongly encourage each and every one of you to go to my search bar in the top left hand side of this home page and simply type in her name. You will clearly see the difficulties I have experienced with this nut case. She's a LIAR, a DRUNK and a total mental case desperate for attention. 

Guess what Julie, you're right, I'm creepy. I don't talk behind your back. I call it for what it is and you chose the wrong person to screw with. Yeah, I know, I'll see you in court for what Julie, for the 5th time you've filed charges against me??? Enjoy the attention Julie Nut Job Brewington. 


  1. No big deal, she could be any woman over 40 years old.

    1. Especially in Salisbury's crowd. Reminds me of another hanger on Sandy Perry. You would think after awhile when you're in the bars and the kids in there are younger than your own children something not quite right

    2. Agree with 929.This type of behavior seems to be the norm from 40 plus year olds in this area. Insecure, egocentric and craving attention however they can get it. Desirable legends in their own fantasy.

  2. Maybe the bleach has fried her brains as much as it has her hair. Boy those are some dry split ends!

  3. She may be hitting on you Joe , I think it's her way even though it seems the opposite. Anyway she has a good chance of getting on the council , she would blend in quite well with the rest of the losers.

  4. She just wants to catch you, no, ANYBODY looking at her boobs. What a pathetic excuse for a human.

  5. She's been a local politics hanger-on for years, a frequent sight at open bar events.

  6. she looks like a blow-up doll 😯

  7. I just used your search thing for the first time. This woman is very unstable. We really need better contenders.

  8. The blow up doll comment is hilarious!!!! And isn’t it an indicator of something when your eyes are abnormally far apart?

  9. Wow, Joe you're as big of an asshole as we all thought you were. Such a hateful soul

  10. She reminds me of Hillary Clinton all lies, needing to be relevant always trying to put herself into any kind of office or group needs that 15 min of fame or attention only her need is 24 7 if her name is in print than she has a good buzz on.

  11. The question is running for office. Why is she it could be? The way that they run offices are the way drinks are poured at bats. Did they call or say why

  12. Oh and by the way just wait for a few CHOICE PICTURES surface of you and your wife!

  13. Is Julie running for an office position?

  14. 10:33, Me, hateful, I think not. You see, I never once had multiple charges filed against Julie. Julie, however, has filed multiple charges, (unfounded) against me that were all thrown out of court because she's a mental case. Again, go to the search bar and type in her name, then come back here and try to call me names again. Clearly you are, and or are related in some way to this nut job. Julie Brewington simply cannot handle my beautiful Wife and has made every attempt to disturb our relationship, she failed. So if I'm an "asshole" for calling her out, well, I'm am "asshole" then. You just wait until some woman files multiple LIES about you not once but several times and then you can come back here and call me names, which I'm confident at that point you'd completely understand my position. Julie and the EBT Blogger are two of a kind, mental.

  15. I can kick a football between that gap in her teeth.

  16. I remember when she had a blog of her own and regularly attacked you. She would get drunk and put up articles late at night. She would even do videos while drunk. Just because her intentions might be good doesn't mean a person with her history and behavior belongs in an elected position. Thanks for the tip on the search engine. It closed the deal for me on this woman.

  17. She Called me a Trumptard! I will NEVER VOTE FOR HER

  18. I can't stand fake people. Fake hair color, fake whitened teeth, fake personality ..fake fake fake. She needs some conditioner and visine.

  19. Wicomico voters, does she seem like a good pick for leadership to you?

  20. That picture is the stuff of nightmares. Pennywise has nothing on this one.

  21. Unfortunately the atmosphere in local politics has created this type of person who thinks they should run. All those currently holding office should hang their heads in shame at the mess they have created and perpetuate. No real leadership anywhere! Everyone out for themselves, seeking to line their pockets and/or have personal glory. Disgusting!

  22. She was a nut case in high school too. True what they say: sick in the head - good in the bed. Back then anyway.

  23. I hope she doesn't have kids. If so, they must be so embarrassed by her. She must have some pitiful life if she's trying to disturb Joe's relationship with his wife. She needs to "get a life" or a straight jacket!

  24. Sounds like a case of he said she said. Not taking sides.

  25. Unfortunately, I believe many of our elected officials are in the same category.
    Just look at Hillary, Maxine Waters, Pelosi.
    I could go on and on.
    These people are mentally sick.

  26. 1:28,

    It's not limited to local politics. All of politics has become a shitshow. What sane person wants to put themselves through that.

    1. Local government employees, a lot of wing nuts in high positions at city Salisbury

  27. Oh the late night drunk vids...I miss those days. NOT!

  28. She's not super faithful as a wife either... let's say she was wild when her and hubbie had some issues about 3 years ago.

  29. PAC 24 would become even more of a circus. Officials would play to the cameras even more than they do now! She will have a field day. I can't wait!!

  30. If any of you commenting can do any better then why don't you step up to the plate and run? oh i'm sure most of you like Joe don't even live in Wicomico county nor even in Md...You all better learn to let things go. Anger, bitterness, hate, and grudges will consume you like a cancer!

    1. Anger, bitterness, grudges, hate are life's pleasures. Revenge is a dish best served cold!!

    2. Revenge is sweet. Revenge is a dish best served cold. So, basically, revenge is ice cream?

  31. Anyone watching that video should be able to deduce one thing, the woman is an attention whore. Does anyone in Wicomico County actually take her seriously?

  32. She's friends with Jake Day that's enough for me to form an opinion.

    1. Somehow that makes perfect sense.

  33. Politics makes strange bedfellows

    Think about the Beverly Hillbillys episode where Granny ran for possum Queen against Mrs Drysdale

    Almost an exact metaphor for this situation but without the signs on Mrs Drysdales limo that Milburn Drysdale put there and that she didn’t know about


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