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Sunday, January 28, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Electric Bills

Hi Joe,

I have been hearing some outrageous electric bills coming out this month. I know it was really cold and some households had their kids home for snow days. I was wondering if you had heard any other complaints from Del Power customers?

For example a student here at SU was gone 10 days over Christmas/NYE break and left her heat on 60 while they were gone. Her bill was over $700. My bill was the highest it’s ever been close to $300. Have heard some other bills being in the 300-400 dollar range.


  1. Mine was 3x’s the normal

  2. Electric is NOT the way to heat a house anymore. Oil, gas, wood, all are much less expensive.

  3. Just got my Delmarva Power bill, $96. The pellet stove kept us warm throughout!

  4. Yep. . ..Mine also usually runs between $350 and $400 during the winter and was $723. I almost had a coronary. And my head was on 68-70 on the coldest days and cuts down at night.

  5. Even the bills from Choptank were high - small house - less than 1000 square feet - one person living there - bill for the month - $285 - plus person is not there during day - works full time and leaves heat on 62 when gone - needless to say I was completely shocked!!!!

  6. No word yet from Delmarva Power what it will be doing with its millions and millions in corporate tax savings just passed to them by the Trump administration.

  7. How many windows did they leave open while they were gone?

  8. I have a $950.00 one!

  9. I got the highest bill I ever received at $396. Usually $180.

  10. At 60 the heat will run just as long as if you put it on 70 , with chill factors of 0 degrees 700 bucks is a little high but expected. With the climate change and Global warming it doesn't surprise me . My gas bill was 300 plus and my electric was 200 plus , I was warm .

    1. What global warming - it was damn cold.

  11. When my father lived in the mountains of Virginia he would turn the meter upside down for a while during the month , it ran backwards , however , I don't think you can do it with the newer meters.

  12. Why does it take so long to enter a comment ? Is it me or you.

  13. Highest bill we've had too. Very very cold spell. As for the $700 bill.... we have our thermostat at 60 while we're home (LOL), definitely would have turned it down some if we were away.

  14. Sounds like the student needs to talk to her roommates. 12:45 guarantee it's not going to the employees.

  15. Mine is normally $80/month and I was gone through the storm with my heat set on 58 degrees, but my bill that just came out was $321.00 - Thanks Delmarva Power

  16. Delmarva power will cry that “winter rates” crap and take your money but then give you some sort of credit for about a fifth of the bill and say they are doing YOU a favor. Talk about legal theft!

  17. Snowflakes - perhaps I’m missing something here, but, Delmarva Power did not choose how much power you used during the deep freeze - you did. Don’t want to pay such a high bill? Don’t use so much electricity. They also did not pick and choose what heating equipment you used. Not sure how it is the power company’s fault that your bill is high because it was exceptionally cold outside, and you wanted to keep it over 70 in your house.

  18. I have Choptank Electric and my bill was right around my normal amount. I have heard from relatives that have DPL that they increase the price per kw from somewhere around $0.50/KW to $0.80/kw. Not sure when that increase took place, but apparently alot of people are noticing it now. I personally wonder how many people who signed up for the smart system offered by DPL are experiencing this huge increase.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. 2000 sq ft home, Choptank Bill $74, Solar Panels $46 = $120. Solar is the way to go. Oh gas heating bill for the month $89.

  20. 4:30 Solar is hideous, devalues your home and ends up in the landfill.

  21. 1:02. I'm having the same problem.

  22. number of windows, quality of windows, sealed?
    number of doors, quality of doors, sealed?
    attic insulation updated?
    heavy mill plastic under house
    vents closed under house
    insulation updated under house
    updated insulation in walls
    holes sealed up in all areas of the house

    1. I have none of those things you listed except attic well insulated, room heaters in three rooms, electric baseboard in two and luckily squeezed by with 488.00 as my bill and I have DPL

  23. Welcome to the libtard view of fighting global warming.

  24. Mine was $448.00.................and I did not try to conserve in any way, thermostat was set in mid 70's and I switched over to pure electric heat when it got down to 15 degrees. I have never had a $300.00 or above bill in 35 years. I stayed warm and comfortable and expected to pay the price.

  25. My bill was higher than a used Rambler I purchased.

  26. Delmarva Power is gouging everyone and it is ridiculous.

  27. My bill was also high. I wasn't home during the cold spell. I am just happy my water pipes did not burst.

  28. The problem with all of it now is you can not audit them. They can make a digital meter read whatever they want. No checks and balances yet no one cares. I used to have to call with my meter reading years ago showing my age there but I did. They would come maybe once a year to do their audit reading to keep a home owner honest. Now you can never tell what the meter used. Its a digital number that blinks on and off.

  29. 3:26
    It is because of the rates they charge. I have family with the same size house with the same type heating and both were built within 2 years of each other. Their electric bills are always cheaper and they have 2 teens in their house! It is the rate per KWH that Delmarva charges. It is double what other power companies charge.

    With it being so cold many had to keep their houses warm just to keep the pipes from freezing.


    They just got a BIG Tax Permanent Break !!! Damn Them

  31. Any comment from DP? Ours is up 200% from our highest bill in 10 years. Unbelievable.

  32. Global COOOLING far worse than Global Warming !!!

  33. $1025 for the month. 90 y parents so can"t freeze them out. kept house at 72 deg. delmarva power doesn't care about their customers. They've cut the number of linemen over the years, organization is very top heavy, and they will only continue to ask for rate increases. no new plants on line nothing, rebates for upgrading appliances next to nothing or non existent. why would they want to lower rates? maryland legislators are lobbied and paid handsomely by the electric companies to keep things just the way they are. So with pay or go without! sucks but welcome to maryland! the maryland psc is a joke!

  34. Had a 580 bill usually 380 I was pissed.

  35. Power companys are allowed to cut You off, Be aware , just

    for being 1 day late on paying your bill + Large Deposit

    no matter How long you have been a customer, Not Right !!

  36. January 29, 2018 at 11:22 AM:

    Maybe if you're late by one day, for the umteenth time. They'll never cut you off for one late payment, one day, or one month. And they even have to give deadbeats notice before cutoff. You know who you are.

  37. They will cut you off , try them & see !!
    They can demand a beefy deposit too ....Oh yes they can !


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