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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

John Kerry In Secret Communications With Palestine For "Alternative Initiative" Circumventing Trump

During the middle of last week a bombshell report hit Israeli media but was largely ignored in major international press. According to theJerusalem Post former Secretary of State John Kerry has been actively undermining President Trump through his own back channel communications with representatives of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

This reportedly included Kerry telling Abbas to "hold and be strong" and to not "yield to President Trump's demands" until Democrats are able to kick Trump out of office, and even included the suggestion that Kerry himself would seriously consider running for president in 2020.

The report comes amidst what has developed into a complete disconnect in relations between the White House and the Palestinian Authority after Trump's early December move to formally recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, which includes plans to relocate the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem by the end of 2019. This was also followed by repeat threats from Trump to cut US aid to the Palestinian territories, reiterated as recently as Thursday before reporters at the World Economic Forum in Davos, where Trump indicated he might cut $700 million in annual U.S. aid "unless they sit down and negotiate peace.”

But it appears, according to the Jerusalem Post relying on revelations sourced to the Israeli outlet Maariv, that Kerry is one among the "previous administration" which has "maintained contact with PA officials" and is seeking to secretly jump start a separate peace plan which circumvents the current US administration, and which presumably would come to maturity once Trump is out of office.

The claims center around a recent meeting between John Kerry and a close associate of Abbas named Hussein Agha, who is considered the most senior and veteran negotiator with Israel concerning the peace process.



  1. This POS should be thrown in jail for violations of the Logan act! He is no longer the international representative of our country. He has been a traitor since the Viet-Nam war...along with HanoiJane!

  2. Sounds to me that Kerry is guilty of treason. Should be arrested and sent to Gitmo. Time for heads to roll. The democrats were making a big deal about Trump meeting with the Russians before the inauguration. That was nothing this is major.

  3. First he went along to get along
    Then he told the truth about Nam (and threw away the medals)
    Then he recanted and began his "public service" (paid operative)

    He is a member of the largest secret society on the planet for crying out loud!
    That's what we call the fox guarding the hen house.

  4. Ha this fool failed when he was second of state so of course he can't stand to see trump succeed. See how long these ragheads can hold out when trump cuts off the cash. 7 more years is a long time to wait ketchup boy.

  5. Kerry and any other official interfering with the Trump' foreign policies should be made an example of in public. Like our ancestors did. Kerry and Obama make me sick.

  6. Every day I celebrate having left the Democratic party.

  7. Another liberal traitor who needs to be behind bars.

  8. Hang this clown for treason finally. This is the evidence. Send him to the glue factory.

  9. there's your collusion.....the darned Democrats...and not a word said...all we hear is Russia Russia Russia and not a shred of evidence on that but Obama and his cronies went to Israel to try to sway the voters to not vote for BiBi in their elections, yet that was ok to and now this clown. And Not a peep.


  10. Hope they smack him with the Logan Act so hard he falls off his windsurfer! He's brazen and overdue for a reckoning.


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