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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Gowdy: FBI's Strzok, Page should testify to answer allegations, questions about 'secret society'

The House Republicans’ top investigator, Rep. Trey Gowdy, said Sunday that text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page show they “hated” then-presidential candidate Donald Trump, but the South Carolina lawmaker suggested the two testify to settle concerns on whether they were powerful enough to take down Trump or protect Democratic rival Hillary Clinton from criminal charges over her emails.

“I can’t prove that they were the final decision makers,” Gowdy, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Affairs, told “Fox News Sunday.” “But I don’t have to. Two really important people hated (Trump); would have done anything to protect” Clinton.

Gowdy pointed out that Strzok interviewed Clinton about her use, as secretary of state, of private servers on which emails with classified information were discovered. And Strzok scrubbed language about Clinton’s “grossly negligent” behavior from the final FBI report on the server-email investigation, he said.



  1. I would think any of his friends at the blue lodge could answer the questions.
    Why do they need him to answer?

  2. Yeah all to waste tax payer's money as much as possible, because even if she admitted to anything, which she won't, and more then likely she will plead the 5th, nothing will come of it so why do we still go through this song and dance???

  3. To answer 3:44 Poster that said; ' nothing will come of it so why do we still go through this song and dance'.

    My response: I'm about to tell you why. It's because the incumbent Obama administration used the government's intelligence agency to help'weaponize' the incumbent government's Presidential election (Hillary). If you don't understand the significance for prosecuting these individuals, then you are obviously a NAZI, Communist, Taliban, or other foreign adversary. You see our government's Checks and Balances don't allow for fabrication of information (Dossier) by our federal government's entities (CIA & FBI) in their effort to try and 'throw' the election. Further, said actions by these rogue agencies and individuals thwart free and open elections and are DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED to the express Will of our people at the voting booth.

    IMHO - all of them should be rounded-up, then, prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
    What happened to our Country is definitively classified as a Coup d'etat and is TREASON!

  4. 433
    Possibly what happened (Coup d'etat) WAS treason.
    But it isn't any longer.
    Because the United States of America no longer exists.

    This place was purchased and sold a long time ago.
    Let me ask you Beezer, "How do you like the US Dollar"?
    What has the government allowed to happen to the value of the US Dollar?
    These criminals have devalued the very currency you and I use to exchange our work / labor!
    They are stealing our labor!

    The Country you and I are living in right now is not the same place as when we grew up.
    That place is long gone.
    Never coming back.

    Boy, they were really good days . . . weren't they?

    1. Move to Canada or Sweden. Plenty of country's will take you.

  5. "The Country you and I are living in right now is not the same place as when we grew up."

    It became a mirage, then the fog lifted and here we are, wondering what happened.

  6. To 4:41 Poster - that said; Possibly what happened (Coup d'etat) WAS treason

    Responding - then the US will cease to exist. If this activity isn't prosecuted it will spell the end of America as there is no law or order.

  7. This is way bigger than the Watergate event. And yet the free press refuses to report on it, all except Fox.

  8. 3:02....this secret society has nothing to do with what you refer to simple. Let go of the fact you were turned down, you sound like Hillary holding onto the past. Lol

  9. Very scary, electronic eves-dropping with fabricated evidence. I agree with some of the above comm enters, the US has become a banana republic.


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