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Sunday, January 07, 2018

A Tale of Two Tweets

President Trump has been very active over the last two days on Twitter. Here are two tweets that answers one question while the second inspires much thought for Liberals who now enjoy a better economy.

The President addresses why he uses Twitter to get his message out instead of traditional media:

His question to America regarding the upcoming midterm elections:


  1. Smart voters don't listen to CBS,CNN,NBC and the like.

    1. I’ve known some liberals who’d like us to think they’re smart but they always fall for the news reported in the Washington Post and NYT. They think those reporters are academic. Fake sources and stories is all they’ve done for the last three years. Before that they shoved Obama down our throats without any independent vetting and now we’re learning he actually betrayed us in many ways.

      I’m convinced liberals are just low esteem voters who expect the government to fill in for their own personal shortfalls. They don’t seem to understand the illogicalality of their ideologies and often want to participate in programs with a history of failure like socialized medicine. Liberals just aren’t all that smart I guess.

  2. Liberals are the meanest cruelest people on the planet.

  3. With the way media operates today, it looks like a great career opportunity for young blood. The individual would not have to be a rocket scientist, only be honest and report what the truth is good or bad no matter what side. Gain the viewers trust and jump on the path of success.

  4. What most of you don’t know about Trump is he never uses a computer. He doesn’t write emails. His staff does but nothing comes from him directly electronically. He’s old school. (refreshing) for him to start tweeting at all proves he doesn’t trust the media to get his message out. He’s right. They’ve spent more time over the year correcting and retracting stories because they are false or skewed bias. I’m not a fan of Twitter but understand why he had to resort to it.

  5. Trump’s tweets are his connection to the people which he sees as his ultimate boss. He tweets daily because things in his world change daily. People really should stop complaining about his tweets and start reading them. They might learn a thing or two about what’s really going on in our world.

  6. Just think, out with the old and in with the new could mean SNOWFLAKES getting into politics.

    Oh my!

  7. Agree with him completely, but there have been a few tweets that he probably could have worded differently just so we don't give the left any ammo if left to interpretation... just thinking about 2020 and all the things the media will dig up.

    1. I support ALL his tweets. The left attack him all day and night 24/7 for EVERYTHING. Lie wait 10 hours then retract the statement mainstream media doesn't understand anything they say in 2020 will be the same rhetoric they have said for 6 years on President. It didn't work in 2016 and It won't work. President will win. If you voted Trump in 2016 then you will vote for him in 2020.

  8. 1124 Trump doesn't care about the left at this point. They've already undone themselves even with his spicy tweets. Their Trump-hating attitudes have proven their own destruction as their pursuit of him continues to reveal their own traitorous and treasonous acts against the country. You can see this in the Mueller investigation. Even though Trump's campaign is supposed to be the central focus, we've learned how badly our intelligence community has been politicized over the last three decades and the Democrats have been the ground zero of misinformation and radical behaviors.

    Don't let Trump fool you. He may appear to be off-the-cuff, but nothing he does is by happenstance. He is a 4-D chess player in a game with 1-D amateurs. He's having fun. Why spoil it?

  9. President Donald Trump is just what America needed. Making a strong country for all. The liberals hate him because he is shining the light on all the anti American politicians on the right and left how lie daily to stay in power and bring us down. GOD bless the USA.

  10. Mr Trump understands that there isn't much point in trying to make lefties happy or even being very nice to them. They will not change, and will stab him in the back at every opportunity.

    That's why he's getting so much done.

    Learn a lesson, Republican lawmakers.

  11. The President's tweets often appear ham-handed, but the substance of each are examples of levels and modes of thinking that most of us don't have, and for which we have no reliable points of reference to compare them to our own realities.

  12. It's amazing how many people think the President is 'dumb'.. mostly the lefties who imagine themselves to be so intelligent.

    Just look at where he is today. Look at how well our country is doing. The economy is about to take off like a rocket.

    Mr Trump was (and is) exactly what was needed for this time in our history.

  13. You know, the democrats, many of them 'Hypocrats', are making the case for Mr Trump every time they open their mouth.

    Just let them talk.. the lies are so obvious.

  14. The regular people who identify with liberals' agenda were duped into the game by the fake social justice planks. The rich jewish bankers who control the liberal agenda and the media are very skilled at their jobs. Most Americans have been bombarded with this fake social justice news for so long that we no longer identify it as propaganda. It is propaganda. And it is very powerful.

    I suggest we all try to help our neighbors and familyy members realize the nature of the liberal (communist) agenda and the media's powerful influence on our lives. Try to wake people up to what is happening and the amount of lying to which we are being exposed.


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