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Sunday, January 07, 2018

A "Monster Of A Storm" Could Hit The East Coast Next Week

“The potential for a strong coastal storm system is increasing next week as multiple pieces of energy come together. However, where this system tracks remains highly uncertain and will ultimately determine sensible weather impacts along the East Coast. Subtle changes to the forecast may be the difference between a snowstorm or more Arctic cold and little or no snowfall,” said Ed Vallee, a meteorologist who specializes in Northeast weather.

As the New Year’s festivities begin, the increasing threat of a major East Coast snowstorm is possible for the second half of the upcoming week. Recent Weather Channel computer models are in agreement that a surface low-pressure system will develop off the Southeast coast Wednesday, then charge up the coast towards the north-northeast over the western Atlantic Ocean Thursday. According to the report, “this low will also intensify at a rapid pace thanks to a sharpening southward plunge of the jet stream into the eastern U.S.”

With the cold air in place over the East Coast, the Weather Channel provides two scenarios of what could happen next week:

A track closer to the East Coast would increase the odds of more widespread and heavier snow.
A track farther offshore would diminish the chance of snow for the East Coast.


  1. It is very exciting to watch the geoengineers steer this storm and feed it with heated ionosphere energy.
    One must admit the weather technology of our great military far exceeds anything seen before.
    They will be able to cool down massive swath of land mass in the eastern US and help mitigate the global warming nightmare.

    1. 10:31- ...or it's just cold.

    2. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£

  2. What does our DAN say?

    Partly Sunny, highs in the mid 80's!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!
    (only 4 days until TGIF!!!!)

  3. A really sensible weather impact would be zero snow here in God's country.

  4. If Dan says it will be a non event or a dusting, run to the stores, it's going to be a blizzard!!!!!!

  5. They are laying out the chemtrails now to react with all the fireworks residue from last night. NASA just launched five more rocketfuls of hydrogen dioxide over us to steer this pattern. Thank GOD I loaded up on Reynolds oven wrap last weekend when it was on sale! They're making the moon bigger every night as well...

  6. Hard to predict storm. Especially this far out. It's so cold, with the low dewpoints...-2 right now... it will take alot of moisture to soak the atmosphere to get it snowing around here(I.E. "To cold to snow") The Models do not agree at this point on what direction this will take, and even when they do, this storm is going to be like a winter hurricane, and may have an eye.
    Will probably be a last minute call for any certainty, or even while it's happening where the low will set up and bomb out..
    Hopefully it goes east and we get nothing but the wind. Or to far inland and warms up and rains.

  7. Fighter jets have been seen in the area.

  8. Food isle in Walmart looks like tornado went thru.

    1. It's also entitlement day at Walmart. Did you get your food stamps.

  9. Sorry guys but the 4 year artificial high pressure over northern US pacific region is plenty of evidence of the steering of the jet stream by the US military. The now almost normal (except it isn't normal at all) dip from the arctic into the lower 48 states bringing extremely cold temps (polar vortex) weather pattern we see here is completely manufactured and steered.

    If you aren't paranoid yet, then you simply aren't paying attention.

    1. Translation: things I'm too stupid to understand scare me so I create delusional, psychotic conspiracy theories to explain them.

      I get it, dude. It's a cloak of comfort for you. But still, seek professional help.

  10. Let it SNOW!!! Not going out anyway, beer and chips are stocked up and truck is in the garage.

  11. It's weird. During all this frigid cold weather, none of the meteorologists have called this a "polar vortex" like they have in the past. I'm not sure what's different about this weather pattern.

  12. I AGREE WITH 12:37 if WBOC Dan calls for a blizzard....we are safe!!!! LOL


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