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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Washington Post Investigation: DEA Agents Livid Obama Administration Minimized Their Opioid Case

Can you guess what names do not appear in this article? Neither Barack Obama nor Loretta Lynch. Had this ocurred fully under a Republican President, the Blamestorming would have been epic. In fact, they almost make it seem as if it was Trump’s DOJ which settled this case, instead of prosecuting it, early on

‘We feel like our system was hijacked’: DEA agents say a huge opioid case ended in a whimper

After two years of painstaking investigation, David Schiller and the rest of the Drug Enforcement Administration team he supervised were ready to move on the biggest opioid distribution case in U.S. history.

The team, based out of the DEA’s Denver field division, had been examining the operations of the nation’s largest drug company, McKesson Corp. By 2014, investigators said they could show that the company had failed to report suspicious orders involving millions of highly addictive painkillers sent to drugstores from Sacramento, Calif., to Lakeland, Fla. Some of those went to corrupt pharmacies that supplied drug rings.

The investigators were ready to come down hard on the fifth-largest public corporation in America, according to a joint investigation by The Washington Post and “60 Minutes.” (WT: this article is well worth the read, which includes an interview with retired DEA Agent David Schiller)

The DEA team — nine field divisions working with 12 U.S. attorney’s offices across 11 states — wanted to revoke registrations to distribute controlled substances at some of McKesson’s 30 drug warehouses. Schiller and members of his team wanted to fine the company more than $1 billion. More than anything else, they wanted to bring the first-ever criminal case against a drug distribution company, maybe even walk an executive in handcuffs out of McKesson’s towering San Francisco headquarters to send a message to the rest of the industry.

“This is the best case we’ve ever had against a major distributor in the history of the Drug Enforcement Administration,” said Schiller, who recently retired as assistant special agent in charge of DEA’s Denver field division after a 30-year career with the agency. “I said, ‘How do we not go after the number one organization?’ ”

But it didn’t work out that way.



  1. Of course obama would allow drugs to flood the US streets causing untold amounts of violence and deaths. The mostly black inner cites were hit the hardest by this. Mostly blacks. But blacks still overwhelmingly idolize obama when he could have cared less and still doesn't care about them. The ignorance of black Americans is astounding. Absolutely astounding.

  2. obama literally sacrificed thousands of American lives so he could give his muslim friends some time to work on their nukes and threw in a few million dollars.
    Inner city blacks???
    Hey, some people gotta die to make progress.
    Yet they still hold him (obama) up as their savior, hero, and deliverer.
    The dumbest group of voters in the country......


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