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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

FBI: Hillary's “Shadow Government” Buried Email Scandal

State Dept. offered FBI “quid pro quo” to reclassify Clinton emails

A “shadow government” within John Kerry’s State Department was constituted to review all FOIA requests to prevent public disclosure of classified information Hillary Clinton may have transmitted over her private email server, FBI documents reveal.

The newly released “FBI Vault” release on Hillary Clinton makes clear Clinton “fixer” in the State Department, Deputy Secretary of State Patrick F. Kennedy, pressured the FBI to downgrade the classification status of various Clinton emails from “classified” to “unclassified,” offering the FBI a “quid pro quo” in exchange for the FBI agreeing to cooperate in the subterfuge.

The Clinton documents released in the FBI Vault are the source documents that led to reports published by the Washington Post in an Oct. 17, 2016 report that State Department official Kennedy had pressured the BI “to change its determination that at least one of the emails on Hillary Clinton’s private server contained classified content, prompting discussion of a possible trade to resolve the issue, two FBI employees told colleagues investigating Clinton’s use of a private server last year.”


1 comment:

  1. The Whole Damn Dirty Bunch should be Charged !!!


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