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Sunday, December 03, 2017

Was Matt Lauer Really Fired for Sexual Harassment? UPDATE

By Thornton Crowe

Sexual allegations are some of the most egregious of accusations anyone can have thrown at them as they have a tendency to be career/reputation-killers in more than not instances. This morning, NBC fired Matt Lauer for alleged sexual harassment yet, it seems a bit suspicious given the following.

While I've never been anywhere close to a fan, I do remember a couple moments of clarity on Lauer's lot, especially during his Commander-in-Chief Forum, where he grilled then-presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, on her judgment using the illegal email server. It was a watershed moment, which infuriated her to the point where she contact NBC head, Andy Lack, and demanded Lauer's termination. Mind you, this happened well over a year ago, but the winds of change were certainly stirring.

In today's #MeToo atmosphere, wouldn't it be convenient to remove any rogue journalists not marching to the "Machine's" rank and file? Anyone can be accused of sexual harassment - even women; therefore, it's rather easy to levy such charges and dismiss wayward journalists (and others) without too many questions.

Below is the actual email question Lauer posed to Clinton along with her fumbled retort. Its clear to anyone, she was visible angry and unprepared for the question. As we've learned over the last year from both DNC and John Podesta email leaks, it would be safe to assume, she probably thought she had all his questions in advance, except this one.

The CIC Forum was not the only broadside moment between them. In a Today Show interview two months ago while working the book circuit, he challenged her to take some responsibility for her own presidential loss. Once again, Clinton deflects the conversation with some long-winded blather about the fictional world she resides.

Do you really think it was just sexual harassment for Lauer's dismissal or do you, like many others this morning, question the authenticity given his turbulent past with Hillary Clinton?

Folks, if you don't want to fall prey to 'fake news', you must question these things for yourselves, using common sense and your own gut feelings!

Reading some of the articles from trusted sources, I am just stymied that Matt Lauer was allowed to continue his employment at NBC for as long as he has, given his track record.

Apparently, Lauer's behaviors were well-known to the NBC company's staff and possibly high ranking brass, including Andy Lack. If this is true, Lack and others should also be suspended pending a full investigation because, by standing by and watching some of this atrocious behavior continue on and not intervening makes them just as complicit and guilty as Lauer.

Would hope these various victims (there were multiple as in more than 10) seek criminal remedy as well as civil from Lauer and NBC.

Keep seeking out information on this as more is coming forth every hour.



  1. Well one thing is for sure. We know NBC didn't fire him for lying.

  2. Hillary GOT him !!!!

  3. At least, Clinton didn't have him killed.......yet. Will Lauer commit suicide soon?

  4. Must have Plenty of Proof when you Fire a man who makes
    $28 million a Year !! Fact

  5. I bet there is some pretty damning evidence for him to go so quickly and quietly. Rumors have been going for some time about him. Also, why was Ann Curry REALLY taken off of the today show? She was liked by viewers. She had to have either been a whistleblower or a victim.

  6. Do you 1010? If you're so in the know, please tell us just went wrong and who this accuser is!

  7. A lot of commenters really like to believe accusations instead of waiting for facts! You don't even bother to look at the existing situation between Lauer and Clinton. SMFH! Yet, you all will sit there and vote for people like Day, Cannon, Heath and Boda without so much as a second thought. Mindless. Keep cheering the party line!

  8. So much for the presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law.... You people are just disgusting. I hope one day YOU are accused of harassment and it's not true. Then you'll see what it's like to be on the other end of that saber.

  9. President Trump said to look into Andy Lack. Sounds interesting. Will have to investigate!

  10. I've always liked Matt Lauer. I thought he was the most 'balanced' anchor/reporter on NBC. What a shame that his demise came in this manner.
    I agree with 10:16. These days, anyone accused of sexual misconduct is immediately presumed guilty in the press. Sad part is, if/when they are exonerated, you never hear about that.
    Dirty laundry attracts eyeballs. Period.

  11. Even Fox News has vilified some of their former anchors unjustly. Eric Bolling. Bill O'Reilly. All fired without any due process. This sex stuff has become contagious. Now the Left isn't spared. It's all going down.

  12. 1030, you just said it: "he was the most 'balanced' anchor/reporter on NBC"

    NBC was busted for colluding with Podesta and Clinton last year. Remember? Connect the dots.

  13. Plenty more to come ....just the tip of the iceberg !! LOL

  14. How many MEN did Hillary sexually Harass ?? Many !!

  15. Just heard on Fox Business these supposed sexual harrasment events happened years ago? Looks like FACTS are starting to trickle.

  16. Matt Lauer? Okay, what is the media trying to get you NOT to focus on today? Senate Tax Bill? NK ICBM? Democrats misstep yesterday?

    Nothing is as it seems, kids. Use your noodles, poodles!

  17. I thought he swings both ways.

  18. Didn't Clinton in her hot mic rant, swear that Lauer would pay? I remember that as clear as yesterday. Wonder when Gloria Allred will have a press conference with his supposed victim which we don't know the identity of, once again!

  19. Revenge is a dish best served cold! Establishment fired him for not helping Hilary.

  20. 1048 is right. It's going to happen eventually and then women who are real victims will be in a real pinch. No one will know whether or not to believe them unless they report it immediately after the incident when seminal fluids can be collected. Just shows the Left doesn't give a shite about women issues, they're only interested in winning. Why hasn't Molly the libtard not said anything on this issue? Probably isn't out of bed yet.

  21. Clearly, Lauer went sidways and they're probably making an example of him. It's been on every channel nonstop whereas Charlie Rose was far more prominent, yet we've heard very little about his situation after the initial firing.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. 10:10- Why do you state "Fact" after everyone of your comments? You are always restating what was said in the blog, or you're completely wrong, like in your post about the home that caught fire and how sprinklers would not have helped. I ask because it is getting pretty ridiculous.

  24. I usually agree with Mr Crowe, but this time I think it is what it is. The only thing I read as often as attractive female teachers having sex with their students, is the amount of celebrities and congressmen accused of sexual harassment. I do think that's what we have here. Though, I've been wrong many, many, many, many, many times before. Could be wrong now.

    1. Thank you for your comment, 3:28PM. I’m not saying Matt Lauer hasn’t committed the acts alleged. I believe in the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. I would like to see this situation play out to its fullest before hanging this man from the gallows. However, my article was to provoke introspection and thought.

      As a staunch Trumpian, I remember all too well Lauer’s participation in the attempted smear on President Trump during the general. So there’s no love loss between myself and Mr. Lauer. If he did in fact perpetrate this alleged assault, then he should get every judicial punishment he deserves.

      Cool heads do need to prevail until such a time we know definitively the facts.

      Thank you again for your comment. Merry Christmas! 🎄🎁

  25. More than 30 years ago, a wise colleague of mine said that this is a world gone mad. At the time, I just laughed at the comment; while there were some ridiculous things happening then, as at every time in history, nothing compares to the mass insanity and hysteria rampant in this country today. For the holier than thou population out there, just wait until you are accused of something that you may not have done. In the current climate, you are guilty because you were accused. No evidence is necessary, no facts must be presented, no investigation is conducted; why bother with such trivialities? Why bother with the law? I agree with the comment made by 10:48 that we are doing a disservice to those who are truly victims. Why are we, a nation apparently so concerned with protecting poor, helpless women, always victims and never perpetrators, so bent on destroying our fathers, our sons, our husbands and our friends? Let's focus on what affects us as a nation-our security, our education, our health and our economy. We don't need to worry about North Korea or Russia destroying America, we are doing a perfectly good job of it ourselves.

  26. It's so hard to tell who's for real and who's fake these days. The alleged victims in Roy Moore's case all turned out to have motives for making their false accusations. Mostly due to what they had happen in their cases when they were defendants or plaintiffs in his courtroom when he sat on the bench. Not meaning any disrespect to other women, but I know women can be devious and some will falsely accuse a man of misconduct because either he didn't return her feelings for him or she didn't get what she wanted and decided to take revenge. It's just so hard to tell the bad from the good. I agree with Thornton, maybe we should just assume the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, but have to admit, it's pretty damn hard.


  27. Comcast should clean house at NBC and fire anyone with an inkling of what Lauer was accused of who didn't report timely.

    Big companies have scads of policies, memos and training about how to respond and report this stuff. Failure to clean house will let shareholders put pressure because of the legal costs.

    Bonus: Lots of qualified candidates at lower wages for the empty desks.

  28. Now that the facts have come out about Matt Lauer's behavior towards women, there is no question he was a cad, and exploited his fame and position to take advantage of women and his co-workers.


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