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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Update: Philly Approves Removal Of 'Racist' Bulletproof Glass From Storefronts

Crime likely to spike following the ruling

The Philadelphia City Council voted Thursday to remove bulletproof glass from the windows of some local businesses, despite a backlash from shop owners who cited safety concerns.

The council voted 14-3 to approve legislation that could eventually force business owners to remove the protective glass outside their storefronts that some lawmakers believe operate as drug fronts and facilitate loitering and public urination, Fox 29 reported.

The approved bill, according to Philly.com, instructs the city’s Department of Licenses and Inspections to, by Jan. 1, 2021, “promulgate regulations to provide for the use or removal of any physical barrier” in stores that sell food and alcohol.

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  1. Life long Democrat here and proud. Bullet proof glass makes people more violent. Take it down and people will be nice. Just like our boarder walls. Open boarder will lead to less violence. Thank you.

    1. Life long idiot if you believe that load of crap. Objects do not make people violent. People's choices make them who they are, take responsibility for your own actions. Closing the boarder will keep us safer including immigrants who have followed the law and are productive to society.

    2. Calm down dude, I think it was sarcasm.

  2. Simple solution:
    Require all members of the Philadelphia City Council that live in high crime areas to keep their doors unlocked, because locking your doors is most certainly racist.

  3. Now that is some stupid s--- that is being done.

  4. I'm from the government and i's here to help... and other oxymoronic things to say.

  5. 12:13.....this is a joke right? No one can be that stupid!

  6. Every time you see something that a Democrat claims to be racist, you can be rest assured that it is the Democrat that is racist!

  7. They'll have to get bullet vests ,face shields,helmets and any other type of equipment to protect them selves plus armed guards.Democrats sure are stupid aren't they?

  8. Someone in Philly town council is in the pocket of the bullet proof vest industry,

  9. Lots of businesses will close their doors, count on it!

  10. So who will be held liable if/when a worker is killed because the protective is no longer there?

  11. Obama Crooked BastardoDecember 19, 2017 at 7:20 PM

    WOW. Are are those Bullet-proof Glass panels clear white? They must be racist. Would it help if they get some dark tint on it? Nah, dont bother. If the homies try to take 6-pack out of the Liquor store a get refused, well, they can just shoot the place up from the street. Philly Council just helping thugs out, what else is new. I bet those who voted for this stupid insanity are all Democ-rats. They know whats best for ya, and the sheeple keep cheering.

  12. Glass partitions are coming to all banks and convenience stores in your area.

  13. 7:50:
    We're not too far away from that - and the "next thing", too.
    EVERYTHING will be done online - including no-cash deliveries to your home from convenience stores. Banks are doing it already. When is the last time you stood in a line inside a bank? When was the last time you paid a bill with an envelope and stamp?
    The world - the urban centers of the USA - are quickly becoming much too dangerous to venture out in.

  14. Next, these slum neighborhoods will be complaining that they have no liquor stores (maybe that's the real goal).

  15. I do a lot of business in Philly and NYC and I'll be honest I feel safer in those places than here.


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