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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Hillary Clinton wears surgical boot months after toe break

Hillary Clinton has been spotted still wearing her surgical boot two months after she fell down some stairs in her heels and broke her toe.

The former Secretary of State was in Vancouver as part of her global book tour to promote her election memoir What Happened.

Clinton strode out onto the stage, in a striking monochrome leather ensemble. But what was most noticeable was the bulky post-op shoe on her right foot - which she has been wearing since she took a tumble and broke her toe in October.



  1. Normal healing of a toe break is 6-8 weeks, longer in the aged, those with osteoporosis, obesity and poor diet.

  2. Im betting MS and she has a drop foot, the boot is to assist the gait and balance

  3. Alcohol consumption slows healing.

  4. I would put money on her being a Type 2 diabetic.

  5. Come on, guys. She's in perfect health! You think any normal woman her age could be flung into a medi-van like a side of beef and handle it as well as unconscious Hillary could? No way!

  6. Every time she lies her toe grows so she can't wear a shoe.

  7. That's to help with the leg braces she wears for the Parkinson's disease.

  8. That's not a boot, that's a kick starter for the broom she rides on!

  9. It does make you wonder. I saw some news where John McCain had his boot on the wrong foot - I suspect he didn't really know because of his cancer (no harm intended) or was it FAKE news.

  10. She's still looking to expand on attention from loosing the election, she'll take attention and sympathy anyway she can get it. I just wish we'd never hear the Clinton name again.

  11. She needs to be wearing a straight jacket

  12. Put a rope around her neck and tighten it.
    She won't need that ankle bracelet anymore.
    Even Democrats want her to STFU and disappear. She lost. Badly. In one of the worst, if not THE worst campaigns EVER run. She SHOULD be absolutely embarrassed and ashamed, but instead, keeps trotting out new and ever-expanding reasons why she was cheated out of her place in history.
    She'll be in history for sure. Just not for any reason she wants.
    Just when a young, new Democrat face appears, she hogs the spotlight. Hopefully, she'll be dead of something in the next 15 minutes or so.

  13. Guess she blames it on Trump !! LOL

  14. She has on an ankle monitor.


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