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Friday, December 15, 2017

Top General Says U.S. Demolished $80 Million in Taliban Heroin Labs

WASHINGTON, DC — The U.S.-NATO coalition in Afghanistan has pulverized 25 Taliban labs used to process opium and its deadly heroin derivative, depriving the narco-jihadists of $80 million in illegal drug proceeds in the first three weeks of an unprecedented counternarcotics air campaign.

Since November 20, U.S. troops and their Afghan allies have been targeting the Taliban jihadists’ opium business in their Helmand stronghold, the top-poppy producing province in Afghanistan.

While briefing Pentagon reporters via teleconference from Kabul, Brig. Gen. Lance Bunch, a top official with U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), described the ongoing air interdiction efforts as an unprecedented “counter-threat revenue campaign” targeting the Taliban’s opium.

The top American general declared:


  1. Now that is progress.

  2. They just took out the ones that stopped paying for protection

  3. How much did it coat the US? How about this. Go after the cartels who ship the stuff here in the first place.

  4. Since 2001, 8.5 BILLION with a B spent and you call that success? Am I the only one seeing through the smoke? Youve been there for 17 years!!!! Im tired of paying for a war you know you won't win for the sake of Boeing, Northrop and all the other interests you are keeping in business. I'm not buying this horse$€/÷ story as a success story. Bring our men and women home. They are the ones paying the price for your corporate interests.

  5. That puts a big hurt on certain members of Congress Income

    John McCain to name one


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