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Friday, December 15, 2017

GOP tax cuts will strengthen our economy and drive Democrats crazy

The agreement in principle announced Wednesday by House and Senate Republican leaders on a tax cut bill – heralded by President Trump at the White House – is good news for the American people. But it’s certain to upset Democrats, who just can’t ever be happy by anything the president or congressional Republicans do.

Democrats react to tax cuts like Chicken Little in the children’s story – with screams that The Sky is Falling!

What kind of horrible consequences will the American people – and Democrats in particular – suffer if President Trump signs tax cuts into law?

First, the tax cuts will be good for the stock market. The market is up a record 30 percent since Election Day, benefiting not just the wealthy but small investors and most people with retirement accounts. Yet, wherever you go, you still see Democrats grieving … they can barely read their bulging brokerage account statements through their tears and their anguish at too much winning.

Second, the Trump-GOP tax cut plan that looks like it will become law soon will enable millions of Democrats (as well as everyone else) to keep more of their hard-earned cash and make it possible for more families to leave their kids more of their wealth.

The Trump tax cuts reduce corporate taxes as well as taxes on individuals – an evil plot, right? Unfortunately for the Democrats, the corporate tax cuts will strengthen our economy and prompt businesses to start hiring more employees – regardless of political affiliation – and enable employers to pay higher wages and salaries.

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1 comment:

  1. GOP already driving liberals crazy and is just one reason I wake up with a smile every morning.


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