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Thursday, December 28, 2017

Three Wise Women...


  1. Well, what happened to them?
    According to history, they were LATE!

    hahahaha (just kidding)

  2. You know there was a mid-wife on hand. Immaculate conception or not the gal got off a dunkey and had to lay down in itchy straw with a dope husband that did not even know it was not his child and push out a savior that would change the world for better or for worse. That is some toilsome shit to go through. Then these Wise men show up with expensive gifts insulting her humble and thrifty means. Only to see her child hammered to a cross 32 years later. White bread Christians dismiss Catholics as being cultish about her but if you don't know they are the stuff of wives and mothers, providers, peace makers and forgivers and the first liberated women with a role model to stand up to men and their nonsense and the faith that has served generations of their own. True the " CHURCH " has not always done them justice but they have their own. Christmas should be a celebration of Mothers virgins or not.LOL. They will always be the most of the righteous.

    1. Getting off of the “dunky” not withstanding, you lost me at immaculate conception.
      “Mom, Dad...I’m pregnant but I never had sex...The baby belongs to God!

    2. Sick I say. All of your comments. Amen


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