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Thursday, December 28, 2017

Hungarian Christmas Message: 'We'll Protect Christian Culture, Not Retreat Behind Concrete Blocks and Watch Our Women Harassed On New Years

“Christianity is culture and civilization.”

Viktor Orbán has used his annual Christmas message to call on Europeans to protect their Christian culture, and vowed Hungary will not “retreat behind concrete blocks” at Christmas and watched its women and daughters “harassed in the New Year’s Eve crowd” like its multicultural neighbours.

“Christianity is culture and civilization. We live in it. It is not about how many people go to church or how many pray honestly. Culture is the reality of everyday life… Christian culture defines our everyday morals,” wrote the Fidesz leader, in an article published in Magyar Idők.



  1. Make sure everybody is carrying and stays vigilant, please! Protect fellow Christians!

  2. A man not afraid of the truth and not worrying too much about which pansy cross-dressing sissies he offends.
    There are no "safe spaces" for the girlie boys in his country and he isn't concerned that his words might make someone uncomfortable or afraid.
    The truth isn't concerned about any of that.

  3. As a believer its getting harder and harder to watch our nations so called Christian culture. Its become nothing more than begging for people to donate money and a barage of psycho babble self help CD and book salesman. The real kicker is today's so called Christian rap. Really?? I doubt very seriously this type of garbage today is what the good lord intended. But today's pastors are only worried about numbers and looking professionally successful or as they put it prosperity


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