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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

THIS IS CNN: Hypes Children’s Book Portraying Santa Claus As a Gay Man

In the latest example of the ‘war on Christmas,’ author Daniel Kibblesmith, who is Jewish, has written a children’s book about a gay black Santa and his gay white husband. Yes, a man who does not even celebrate Christmas felt the need to insert his poisonous Liberal beliefs into a holiday he ignores. Ironically, when asked about the “inspiration” for the book, although we can hardly call this trashy effort “inspired,” he said it was in answer to what he calls the “fake war on Christmas.” So let’s try to understand this; in order to fight those who claim there’s a war on Christmas and on its meanings and traditions, he put out a book that attacks those meanings and traditions. Indeed there is a war on Christmas, and Daniel Kibblesmith is just another foot soldier on the battlefield, trying to twist and poison the wonderful things about the season.

When asked in a recent interview on CNN, how he came up with the idea, here’s what he said, “It was sort of inspired by the annual tradition we have in this country of pretending that there’s a giant war on Christmas, and that traditional Christmas is under attack. So, among other things, we were reading all of the news about the Mall of America hiring a black Santa Claus last year.

And me and my now-wife made a joke on Twitter that, if we ever had a child, they would only know about black Santa Claus — and if they saw a white Santa Claus at the mall, we would just explain, “Well, that’s his husband.” And then Ashley and I knew each other from the internet and from her illustration already, and she jumped into my Twitter mentions and said, “Boom — new book.”



  1. The Liberal agenda is taking us down this slippery slope by indoctrinating our children that this kind of behaviour is 'natural'. It is NOT on so many levels!

  2. I wish these sick SOB would go back into the closet wench the came.

  3. Of course Santa is gay; have you ever seen any Claus children?

  4. Disturbing to say the least. What are these a**holes thinking promoting this garbage.

  5. No worries, only the insane will purchase this idiocy. Who cares if they do? Ya can't fix crazy! You all have heard that old line? Likely everyone behind this book will barely make their share of a month's rent off this garbage. I hope they are using what I think they call a "Pen Name"? They likely produce it to save themselves from getting kicked out of their tenement, shi##y New York apartment building. Some people have checked their conscious at the door a long time ago. Let them have it. Weirdos, anyway.

  6. Never had this problem until they closed down the mental hospitals.Think about it.

  7. 335
    He is jewish
    Any more questions?


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