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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

College President Says ‘Hate Speech’ Is Not ‘Free Speech’

The president of a public community college in San Antonio, Texas, argues that “hate speech” is not “free speech.”

Northwest Vista College President Ric Baser argued in a recent op-ed for the San Antonio Express-News that speech deemed hateful should not receive First Amendment protections on college campuses.

The short column, which is titled “Hate Speech Does Not Equal Free Speech,” laments that controversial ideologues are using First Amendment protections to speak without consequence on college campuses.

“As members of the Higher Education Council of San Antonio, we — the presidents of colleges and universities throughout this community, and supporters — feel it is important to speak out and make a distinction between diversity of thought and disingenuous misrepresentation of free speech,” Baser wrote. “We further attest that hate speech has no place at our colleges and universities. Inappropriate messages, such as banners and flyers that are meant to provoke, spread hate or create animosity and hostility, are not welcome or accepted.”



  1. Hate speech is free speech... That is why it is protected under the constitution... It is funny how you clowns hate the constitution and this country but yet you refuse to leave it and go live in a different country where you don't have any rights... And you all fail to realize, that once my rights are gone so are yours, and that you think just becasue my rights are taken yours won't be...

  2. So, when celebrities bash Trump, mock cutting his head off, threaten to burn the White House....etc.....
    They're saying that should not be allowed? I thought the liberal left celebrated those comments.

  3. I think this is a cart before the horse problem.

    Free speech is easy to define. Hate speech? Not so much. Before this professor can make this assertion, the definition must be clear, and how we determine what qualifies as speech that is "hate" must also be defined?

    I would argue that such a task is folly, and that this treads on a dangerous path to censoring FREE speech... which is PARAMOUNT to a free society and the marketplace of ideas.

    I think rather than censor ideas, let all ideas come to the free marketplace of ideas and be vetted and judged on their merits. Those found wanting will be dismissed.

    But this "hate" speech idea is a mistake. I understand the "why" of wanting this, but it is dangerous and should be seriously scrutinized.

  4. This is called the slippery slope.
    They are already half way down.....

    Do they even THINK about what they say or just spout off the latest BS some goof has dreamed up???

    They are SUPPOSED to be highly educated. Where is their degree from? Bangladesh??
    Have they even HEARD of the Constitution???
    Keep cheering.

  5. As much as I think that college president is ignorant and mis-informed, I accept his constitutional right to spout off any controversial, stupid, hateful idea he can come up with. I only require that he respect everyone else's right to do the same. It is constitutionally required. You have to wonder how someone like him ever got a college degree, much less, became a college president. He is woefully uninformed about our constitution and our government. He should be fired for just being plain stupid.

  6. If you think hate speech is free speech, I don't want to hear you whining when you get your arse kicked, shot or stabbed for using it.

  7. This sounds like hate speech against the First Amendment.

  8. 2:04....remember --- sometimes, you get the bear. Sometimes, he gets you.

    Your view of our First Amendment rights is extremely limited and borderline stupid.
    Did your professor come up with that witty, but stupid, line???

  9. Anonymous lmclain said...
    2:04....remember --- sometimes, you get the bear. Sometimes, he gets you.

    Your view of our First Amendment rights is extremely limited and borderline stupid.
    Did your professor come up with that witty, but stupid, line???

    December 19, 2017 at 7:27 PM

    Ok Mr. Resident genius, you are going to have to explain what the heck you are talking about. I guess I am not as enlightened as you seem to think you are. You take one sentence and discover all there is to know about me and my 1st amendment view? Perhaps you could start with how you see it as a stupid comment and go from there.

    Following hate speech to its totality, it could and does lead to charges of incitement to riot, among others. I am referring to real hate speech, not calling someone stupid, ignorant or their momma wears army boots. I trust you can see the difference.

  10. Anonymous lmclain said...
    2:04....remember --- sometimes, you get the bear. Sometimes, he gets you.

    Your view of our First Amendment rights is extremely limited and borderline stupid.
    Did your professor come up with that witty, but stupid, line???

    December 19, 2017 at 7:27 PM

    Why are you such a bully to others on here? Were you beaten a lot as a child?


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