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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Social Security Won't Give You Security


  1. The Pay Amount should be DOUBLED !!! to begin with, and
    Keep the Govt from STEALING IT, and make it Pay Back what it
    already has STOLEN from us all !!!! Problem Solved !!!

    Keep what WE own & have Paid into it , passing it down to OUR Familys , Not giving it away to strangers & immigrants !

    It is OUR $$$$$ Not the Govt's or ANYONE elses Period !!!

  2. Social Security was developed to be the only form of retirement. You have to supplement your retirement with savings, IRA etc. With that being said Congress has "borrowed" money from Social Security. That's a cleaned up version of stolen. I don't think there should be a cap on the amount that is taken from earnings. If you make $1mm, pay the tax on it.

  3. I'm sorry but where does everyone get off saying it's my money? Statistically speaking every american is TAKING MORE from Social Security than you ever paid into it! "According to the institute's data, a two-earner couple receiving an average wage — $44,600 per spouse in 2012 dollars — and turning 65 in 2010 would have paid $722,000 into Social Security and Medicare and can be expected to take out $966,000 in benefits." So every single older american is stealing money as well! It's not just the government, it is the elderly as well! Oh but let's still complain that it isn't enough!!!!!!

  4. It IS an Entitlement because it came from OUR Hard Earned
    Paychecks our whole Life and WE, NOT < the Gov't should have
    Total Control over it ....

    For those in our familys who Died and Never got THEIR $$$
    from it.... Gov't should have to give it to the family
    survivors ......Not the Govt's $$$

    Govt hopes we All die before we get ANY of it , then Keeps it or gives it away to others >>>> NOT Right in my book !

  5. There's that word again - CONgress. Everyone must vote, not just the minority who have special interest!

  6. Congress is Full of Cons !!! Con Artists

  7. 10:52 - I think a reasonable interest on our investment is in order.

  8. "...Statistically speaking every american is TAKING MORE from Social Security than you ever paid into it!..."

    Oh, yeah? What about all those who died before they reached retirement age? My neighbor paid into Social Security from age 18 to age 64. Why did he stop at 64? Because he died and never collected a penny! You can bet your smart ass that he was not the only one is this trap.

  9. It is not possible to borrow money from a Trust Fund.
    Just not possible.

    It was stolen.

  10. Anyone who believes "the institute"'s calculations is a fool. Added to the calculations of 7.5% tax should be the 7.5% employer tax paid into the employees' account, plus the added increment for investment or interest for the given length of time, plus the attrition due to annual inflation, plus the same for "medicare" deductions which are just another social security tax under a different name which was designed so EVERYBODY would pay it...

  11. I did not axe the thieves to take the money from me. It was stolen out of each check all my working years. I am fortunately able to survive with my own earnings, but it is my money and I choose to have it returned to me, not given to some illegal subject that never kicked in any funds.


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