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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Salisbury Maryland Mayor Jake Day Says, "I Did Not Give The Daily Times A Pass"

Politicians pointing fingers at everyone else, (especially Liberals) need to become a thing in the past and accountability needs to drive elections from here on out on the Shore.

This facility has been operating illegally for years, starting with Mayor Ireton. Clearly Headquarters Live wasn't operating under ADA Handicap Regulations either.

However, Mayor Jake Day recently claimed, "I did not give the Daily Times a pass", according  to Mr. Mitchell. Pointing fingers at others, (inspectors) Mr. Day doesn't cut it. In fact, I'd venture to guess that you and Ireton knew exactly what was going on. 

Perhaps under Ireton, (and this is a far fetched guess) the state gave Headquarters Live a pass. However, when the Daily Times asked to have this building reconstructed to fit their wants and needs, I highly doubt Inspectors simply closed their eyes. I'll leave the rest to everyone's imagination.

One thing is for sure, massive pressure and attention is being placed on this through ALL of our legislators from the Shore. Hence Mayor Day's phone call to Mr. Mitchell in the first place. Were palms greased? A favor for a favor?

What I can tell you is, the proper people/organizations have been contacted and attorneys are also reviewing this case. 

Finally, It's NOT the Daily Times that got a pass, it's the owners of the building. So technically, Day may be right but he sure uses his words very carefully. Gotta love the Liberal Agenda.


  1. Joe god bless you for putting the light on this one!! Days ass is in a sling over this one and he knows it!!

  2. Get them Joe expose the leaders for what they’re!

  3. I tried to tell you idiots, and idiots you all are, that you have to understand the language and how they use it to understand what they say, mean and will do in the future...

    They tell you half truths, so it looks like or to them morally, they are not lying but in reality they are...

    1. There may be some minimal validity to your views but one thing is for certain its supposedly very well documented and witnessed so truthfully who really wants state and federal investigators crawling up your but burying you in paperwork to get the absolute truth out of an apparent display of flat out ignorance. Jake Day definitely doesn't want this load of crap dumped on him to start out 2018 when ALL of his resources and time need to be directed to his upcoming clusterf***. Sounds like to me Jake day is "reaping the feces he's been sewing".Couldn't have happened to a better fellow, have fun

    2. FYI I'm anticipating your limited rebuttal with my purpose "struggle" with spelling and grammar. It seems as though when you're flat out lost for responses that's your go to

  4. Put Jakie in a wheelchair and show him the front door...Let's see how he gets around inside (once he gets in there)!

  5. Potato or Potatoe, makes no difference!

  6. Supposedly according to media reports when the DT's leased the building they were going to use the first floor as like a meeting room or whatever and that would satisfy the provision in the deed for the benefit of the community. So what if a group of disabled people wanted to use the room?

  7. The buck stops where?

  8. Is that Fat A$$ Rick Hoppes to the far right with his lazy arse holding up the fence. Isn't he cool with the sunglasses on. What a fit specimen representing the City of Salisbury. Bahahahaha!

  9. i am sorry to say i hate salisbury, and the mayor. Its a crooked place.


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