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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Republican Lawmaker DROPS NUKE On Kneeling NFL Players

Many conservatives in the United States have just about had it with the kneeling NFL players, and it would appear that Republican lawmakers are feeling the same way. In fact, one has proposed that the Indianapolis Colts would have to refund the tickets of anyone who left the football game as a result of the players kneeling.

Rep. Milo Smith (R-Columbus) claims that his bill would players who feel disrespected by the national anthem protests to receive a refund for the cost of their ticket after leaving the game.

“To me when they take a knee during the national anthem, it’s not respecting the national anthem or our country,” he said. “Our government isn’t perfect, but it’s still the best country in the world and I think we need to be respectful of it.”



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