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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Elizabeth Warren Pokes The Donald Over “Science,” The Internet Pokes Back

What would 2017 be without one final Twitter jab at President Donald Trump courtesy of Massachusetts U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren?

It is no secret that Trump’s administration, which in 2017 has managed to trigger unprecedented heights of progressive outrage, views human-driven climate change theories with skepticism. From Trump’s decision to back out of the Paris Climate Accord to Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey’s legal onslaught against those Trump installed to run the Environmental Protection Agency, there has been no shortage of hand-wringing over the future of Planet Earth.

Enter Warren, for one last hurrah — only this time she may have gotten more than she bargained for when it comes to opining on what constitutes fact-based science and what does not.



  1. Journalists increasingly seem to cover Warren's outbursts for their comedic value.

  2. The liberal MO.

    Promote anything that supports their position, ridicule anything that doesn't.

    Liberals deny what science says:


  3. If she sent in her DNA, she would find that the closest she gets to Indian heritage is when gold miners moved into Indian territory with pack animals. Called jacka@@@@s.

  4. Liawatha is an embarrassment.


  5. Twitter scalded her phony self, per Instapundit and Twitchy.

  6. Great post! Everybody had a good whack at her, just as she deserved.

  7. Funny how stupid she sounds trying to claim that there is "Science" behind man made global warming.

    The most basic premise of the scientific process is that you propose a hypothesis, test the hypothesis and have the ability to falsify the hypothesis.

    The man made global warming hypothesis cannot be falsified.
    Warmer proves the hypothesis
    Dryer proves the hypothesis
    Colder proves the hypothesis
    Wetter proves the hypothesis
    More storms proves the hypothesis
    Less storms proves the hypothesis

    Just listen to these charlatans explain how every thing that happens weather wise confirms their theory of human caused climate change.

    Over the last 30 or so years these climate alarmists have made many predictions about how there will be no snow, the polar ice caps will melt, the coasts will be under water, people will be starving due to crop failures etc. Each and every one of their predictions has been wrong.

    Oh, and don't forget that the cure all for man made climate change is by huge taxes on energy. Go figure.

  8. Can we Pppppllllleeeeeaaaaassssseeeee get young and new blood in the democrat government to represent the people. I'm tired of these "ole farts. I'm tired of all of them.


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