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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Rep. Elijah Cummings Vows To Fight To The Death To Save US Democracy From Trump

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) talked about the threat that Trump poses and vowed to fight to his death to save US democracy from Trump.

Rep. Cummings said, “This is a fight for the soul of our democracy. Nothing less. I’m going to work hard to make sure we save that democracy and I will fight until I die.”

He continued, “We have seen over and over again how the very pillars of democracy are being cut down. Peoples’s right to vote. You know that. Freedom of the press. You know that. CIA. FBI criticized. Over and over and over again.”

Democrats aren’t backing down from the threat that Trump poses. They aren’t shrugging their shoulders and saying that’s the way it is. Democrats are fighting this president’s assault on democracy at every turn, and that attitude will serve them well if they will back all or part of Congress in 2018. Trump intends to dismantle and discredit democratic institutions. The President is not being normalized. Instead, Democrats are gearing up for a battle that could carry them through to victory in 2018.



  1. R.I.P. Mr. Cummings. Please close the door behind you.

  2. Elijah the Communist doesn't know or won't admit our system of gubmint is NOT "democracy".

  3. All that ranting from a senile drug user? Wow! Does anyone really care what he says?

  4. He just want's to fight to keep the subsidies and entitlements for his constituents. It's has nothing to do about democracy.

  5. He is afraid that his illegals / welfare participants / gangs / druggies and drug dealers will be losing money which means he will lose votes. He is another ungrateful Politian.

  6. hurry up and die already. take all the dumbocrats like hoyer with you. trump is the president, accept the fact, stop whining, and get over it!!

  7. illegals right to vote. You Know. Fake news against Pres. Trump. You know. Fake news for Liberals only. You know. CIA, FBI refusing to investigate Democrats and Liberals breaking the law and endangering national security Obama's DOJ endangering / killing Border Patrol with illegal "straw purchases" and giving them to Mexicans. You know.

    OH I forgot Elijah Cummings cannot recall these facts.

  8. Poor bastion thinks our system of government is a democracy! R.I.P., old goat! I hope your battle ends soon!

  9. 1:32 - I don't and neither should anyone else - Mr. blowhard himself.


  10. Corrupt BS artist and total tool. The human personification of spam.

  11. I always have said if you want to know what someone is guilty of, listen to what they accuse others of doing.

  12. AND????

    I think that he means "Trump intends to dismantle and discredit democratic institutions"

  13. Freedom to vote if they are citizens. Freedom of the press if the story has been checked and is honest in everything it says.

  14. Dude I was born in Maryland and have been a Maryland resident for over seventy years. Go screw yourself old man. You do not represent me and I can't relate to you being as stupid as you carry yourself. Death you say, well I don't claim to wish that on you but you can retire and shut the hell up.

  15. Obama Crooked BastardoDecember 22, 2017 at 3:07 PM

    Elijah, the Maryland's finest Democrat Communist running his loud crack pipe mouth again. Send him to one-way vacation to Cuba. That would make Maryland instantly better. MAGA.

  16. It will be a happy day when the lid to his coffin is closed.

  17. It's Democrats destroying America.

  18. As many times as he's said he'd fight to the death for something and nothing get done, how can he even use this line anymore?
    He's just another hanger-on, collecting a paycheck and getting rich off others' suffering and ignorance.

  19. The guy is mentally ill.

  20. Dumb ass Marylanders keep voting him in.

  21. he is trying to drum up votes for his dummy wife for
    Gov.and the others dummies will vote for her. Eli you have been in politics for how long and you don't know that we don't live in a Democracy? Hey here's a hint, we live in a Republic, We have a Constitution. But thanks to you and your ilk Md is turning into a banana republic but still no less it's still a "Republic"

  22. Black Marylanders keep voting him in.

  23. What exactly does he want to save us from? A surging economy? The strongest stock market in history? Low unemployment? Illegal immigration? Elimination of voter fraud?

  24. Have you noticed the people who are vowing to 'fight' against Trump are the ones who have much illegal behavior to hide? Elijah Cummings has much to hide and its a shame that he's associated with Maryland. He makes Spiro Agnew look like a Boy Scout.


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