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Sunday, December 24, 2017

MD Disgraced Governor Makes Ass of Himself on Fox & Friends

Haven't you been embarrassed by Martin O'Malley enough?

Now, the disgraceful governor who ruined Baltimore before working towards Maryland's demise, speaks with Fox & Friends this morning, yammering on and on about how Democrats will have some resurgence in 2018. Don't know if Marty is suffering from some mind-altering drugs but it's clear he's dropped his basket.

Knocking on the Tax Reform (as if this is a shock horror) he touts that Democrats with absolutely no plan, no solutions, no message and nothing but Trump hate to run on, will conquer the political world next November. You know, it's bad enough he regurgitates this blather to print press, now he's spewed his fake news all over the morning shows, hoping to change MAGA enjoying crowds into malcontents like himself. He has about a snowball's chance in hell of getting his fairy tale through to reality, but he continues beating his slime-filled drums.

In reality, O'Malley has a negative view from most of America, including Democrats. When you look at his 'um' record, it leaves a lot to be desired. One would think with it, he would just fade away into obscurity and shy away from any public life; however, he continues with his nonsensical rubbish. He's the epitome of a court jester minus anything humorous to say, it makes our state look absolutely horrible.

Just another day in our Magical Mystical Maryland!



  1. Didnt this crook get a prison sentence for his speed camera scheme? He should be in jail not out spreading lies.

  2. Maybe he's sampling some of the new Maryland medical marijuana.

  3. This is one of Jake day's mentors. Its sickening to hear Salisbury's mayor spew the same garbage. Like stated all they really have to run on is a hatred towards Trump and promises of entitlement

  4. I am amazed he is never questioned about stealing property out of the mansion, how he raised taxes on Marylanders, how he stole money out of the State Employees Retirement fund and how his policies were liberal and not conservative when he never balanced the MD budget without raising taxes / fees and everything to crew Marylanders over.

  5. The great un American Socialist State of Maryland.

  6. Ah yes, the eternal optimistic lamp unto the Democrats! LOL What w moron.

  7. How does this douchebag continue to turn up year after year? Why hasn't someone charged him for his furniture scheme?

  8. In MD, Senate President Mike Miller wears the pants. O'Malley never learned that which is why he is still searching for a job.

  9. Didn't any of you read those texts between those rogue FBI agents? They mentioned this idiot and it wasn't flattering.

  10. Who is that guy anyway???

  11. He is a disgrace to my Irish Heritage.

  12. Love that pic. Shows how big a "goof" ball he was / is. Proves his mentality. No disrespect towards anyone with a disability.

  13. Simply a narcissistic idiot.

  14. Simply a narcissistic idiot.
    So true 6:44, but the header says it all. He is a ass, along with Mike Miller mention in the comments. I could go on, there are many more on the shore (Western).

  15. Why some animals eat their young.

  16. Anyone remember his rumored newscaster girlfriend who was hit by a car (Clinton playbook) or when his daughter was found wasted drunk on a city street by a Baltimore police officer (who tried to keep that quiet), or his muscle shirts when he played in his band? Lol! Horrible mayor and governor but always good for a laugh!

  17. This guy was the Kim Un Dumbone of the peoples republic of Md and hE and the Dems have a snowballs chance in hell of taking power. MAGA TRUMP 2020!

  18. Only good Governor Md ever had is the Present one !! Fact

  19. JERK !!!!!!!! Run for Dog Catcher !!!

  20. Looks like he's on booze or drugs, possibly if not probably both.

  21. The resemblance to Jake day with the goify gestures and the endless psycho babble is frightening. These guys have some serious mental illness that needs to be addressed

  22. Maryland's answer to the queen narcissistic politician Hillary Clinton yes we have our own O'Malley and Jake Day. What more could you possibly loathe?


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