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Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Once again WBOC has no sound on their 6:00 News Broadcast. This is getting hilarious but their advertisers need to know. They need to change their logo to, CAN YOU HEAR US NOW?


  1. just like the crappy suburus that sponsor that drivel

    1. Evidently Subaru didn’t sponsor your English classes. What’s wrong...’ain’t a Chevy?

    2. Hey now, it's really hard for some people to form a coherent sentence after drinking natty ice all day

  2. Not surprised they tell you news that is false, They have Dan Satterfeild a weather man that can't predict the weather . So im not surprised they air T.v. with no sound .

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Evidently Subaru didn’t sponsor your English classes. What’s wrong...’ain’t a Chevy?

    December 13, 2017 at 8:32 PM

    Wow, you seem angry. Having a bad day? It's ok, we all have them. It will get better.

    Merry Christmas.

  4. One thing that pisses me off more then ivory tower libtards who drive subaru's with coexist stickers on them is grammer nazi on blogs.

  5. a very amatuerish half ass broadcasting company, their only redeeming value is that they sometimes have some cute on air people, like kylie winkler and maxine bentzel who isn`t there anymore and didn`t stay there long.
    WBOC doesn`t care about serving delmarva they just care about making money and if they can keep making money with no sound to their broad casts they keep doing it.

  6. Does anybody find it weird that every day they have a segment on "The trump presidency" ?? i dont remember that for W or Obama.

  7. Since Tom Draper died the whole business is a joke it's like no body is taking their job seriously, they are down a lot at the earliest broadcast, or like depicted here there is no sound. Someone needs to take charge or there will not be a WBOC any longer. The same thing with their Lisa and Jim thing at 5:00 it's like watching romper room children.

  8. 10:02pm "One thing that pisses me off more then ivory tower libtards who drive subaru's with coexist stickers on them is grammer nazi on blogs."

    So you don't believe in co-existing with others? There's only one answer, Christianity?

    Any it's *Subarus (no apostrophe), and *grammar *Nazi.

  9. Nothing is more aggravating than having the majority of the time that the news is on, to be asking for money or having to mention the ones that have made a donation to Bless our Children. I could care less who has made a donation.

    1. For the millionth time, the quote is “I COULDN’T care less”. Saying “I COULD care less” means you DO care. Think about what you are saying. SMH

  10. Call Dan the Man !!!


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