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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Pa. Threatened With Lawsuit For Stonewalling Non-citizen Election Records

An election integrity group is threatening to sue the Pennsylvania Department of State for allegedly stonewalling requests for records of non-citizens contained on the state's voter rolls.

Christian Adams, the president and general counsel of the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), an election integrity group, said in testimony submitted before the Pennsylvania Senate State Government Committee on Tuesday that his organization has attempted four times to inspect records detailing the full scope of non-citizens on the voter registry but the state has been unresponsive to their requests.

"Should Pennsylvania fail to disclose the full scale of failures allowing—even inviting—noncitizens of legal presence into the voter registry, it will risk maintaining similar flawed Motor Voter configurations not yet properly exposed in other jurisdictions subject to the National Voter Registration Act," Adams said in the testimony.

"Our voting, immigration, and entitlement programs have become increasingly interwoven in the decades following the enactment of the NVRA to a point that its authors did not adequately anticipate," Adams continued. "Incomplete study and disclosure of Pennsylvania's now partially-admitted failings will harm eligible voters and prospective citizens alike."

More details on this..


  1. We need 2 terms of Trump simply to fix what Washington has come to be. A single term won't cut it.

  2. We need everybody on Trump's side for two years, so buck it up and be the wave. There's still too many NeverTrumpers "out there" in lalaland.

    Chime in, all!

  3. non-citizens shouldn`t even be on voter rolls because,well, they don`t have the right to vote.


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