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Sunday, December 03, 2017

NFL to Contribute $100 Million to Social Justice Causes

The NFL’s sellout to their anthem-protesting players is starting to look a lot more like a buyout. According to ESPN, the league will offer nearly $100 million to causes designed to promote “social justice change.”

In a move unlike anything seen from a major American sports league, the league will offer the money in hopes that it will end the ratings-killing protest movement begun by Colin Kaepernick in the preseason of 2016.

According to ESPN:

The NFL’s multifaceted offer earmarks at least $89 million over a seven-year period for both national and local projects, according to documents reviewed by ESPN. On the national level, owners this year will allocate $5 million, with their commitment growing annually and maxing out at $12 million per year from 2021 through 2023. At the local level, owners will put up $250,000 annually and expect players to match that amount, totaling $500,000 for each team. Players and owners can exceed that amount if they choose, with no matching requirement. In addition, there would be other fundraising opportunities, including telethons and auctions of jerseys worn in games.



  1. Problem is they give it to liberals who keep it for themselves,never gets to the people.

  2. But the protests weren't about charities was it?

  3. who will buy a jersey to support these clowns? this pocket change doesn't change my mind on the NFL and how it disgusts me

  4. I'm certain Jesse Jackson and others have their filthy tentacles out to receive the payoff for fake accusations.

  5. This is about the inmates running the prison, and there will never be enough to please them because they know now they are in charge. Goodel should have fired Koepernik the day he knelt and showed these players where their paychecks come from.

  6. Screw the NFL, they wont be getting any more of my money! Let em all sink. who i feel bad for are the ones that don't condone this mess but can't do anything about it but to stand and Honor the flag and Anthem. These worthless Pos should have all been fired and gone broke so that they can see just how good they have had it. Ungrateful worthless pos!

  7. I am done with the NFL!!

  8. Oh good god,what next?

  9. The NFL will never recover from this garbage. Its a freaking circus now, the games suck. All the players care about is themselves and who can come up with the dumbest touchdown celebration. Its just like everything else they get involved vwith, its gotta be as ghetto as possible. Absolutely no class or character

  10. They might want to keep that money, since most people will see this as hush money and make it worse. I really hope the nfl goes broke and goes away completely. Between this and brain injuries, why not just stop it?

  11. Paying "social justice" organizations is just funding the organizations Obama/Soros put in place to destroy America.

  12. Yep, i loved nfl sundays until this started. Then, i decided i love america more. The non-ghetto gangster loving america. The one liberals are desperate to destroy. Thank god for the mlb and nhl...


  13. Goodell and his toadies are just clueless.

    Former fans, and those still lingering in the hope of seeing some backbone in the league, will not be impressed.

    Their beef, those who have supported the NFL, is the disrespect shown to our country's symbol by wealthy athletes and the NFL owners who permit the behavior. Maybe the jerks will stand now; maybe they won't. NFL may hire experts to help them feign sincerity.

    The only thing NFL HQ cares about is the loot. Got to impact their wallets. No logo stuff; no dining out on game day; etc.

  14. The NFL is over. Players now own the franchise. By next year, the players will boycott their own games, while demanding to be paid their salaries. Black Privilege!

  15. Americans are getting angry(ier) all the time. From this nonsense, to our police state, from left libs dems, and now this verdict concerning that pos illegal who killed the woman on a pier in cali.

    They just don't get it. They don't even understand why Trump was elected. This country is making a right turn and PRESIDENT Trump is at the helm of this ship. It takes a while to turn a big ship like this country but it is happening slowly but surely.

    Trump is exactly what we need at this point in time. Correcting the bad policies of at least the past 8 years, installing his own America first policies all the while fighting the headwinds of lib dems opposition.

    Trump is getting it all done despite the anchors that the dem party has become. They (dems) need to be cut loose from this ship and left at the bottom of the ocean along with the other whale dung.


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