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Sunday, December 03, 2017

Michelle Obama Slams Trump During Sickening Appearance

I have never heard someone do so much talking despite having nothing to say. Michelle Obama has been extremely vocal in her dismissal of President Trump (and white men in general, it seems,) and it’s enough to make you wonder why. Does she want to maintain a public profile for the sake of perhaps launching a Presidential run in the future? Perhaps she simply refuses to continue hiding her contempt for men and it’s grabbing the attention of those in the media?

Whatever the case may be, it’s safe to say that a woman with no political experience aside from being married to the President of the United States shouldn’t be openly mocking the current President while in another country. Especially one as liberal as Canada.

She was introduced to the stage by the First Lady of Canada, Sophie Trudeau, and then proceeded to bash our President for Tweeting.

Obama was supposed to be giving a speech about effective communication and was invited to speak by the Economic Club of Toronto, but it appeared that she just went off on whatever side-street she could find. She of course discussed Trump’s Twitter habits, how “awestruck” she was when meeting Queen Elizabeth, and how she would like to have lunch with Jesus and serve him pizza. The speech lasted 45 minutes, which is about 44 minutes longer than I would have been able to stomach, but let’s discuss the implication of the speech and others like it.



  1. "I have never heard someone do so much talking despite having nothing to say." Is that her (?)
    spouse she (?) refers to?
    I read to broaden my horizons, but most of the time end up laughing, like reading comedy. In fact I laughed as soon as I saw that face, before reading the first stupid sentence. As our dear president would say "look at that face".
    " Does she want to maintain a public profile for the sake of perhaps launching a Presidential run in the future?" Michael you wouldn't make a pimple on our First Lady's backside.
    Stop the resistance and take your dude home.

  2. Ummm, then candidate Trump went overseas and specifically bashed POTUS Obama as being “reckless, rudderless and aimless”. Were you outraged then? Do you now take issue with M.O. because she is a Democrat, a woman, black, or all 3?

    1. People like you are whats wrong in this country, it always has to do with race in your mind

  3. No one cares what she has to say!!!!

  4. Moochchelle and Hilary, two wilder beast on the public scene!

  5. 12:55 President Trump was just speaking the truth, not bashing POTUS Obama. The only reason I take issue with Michelle Obama is because she is a typical Libtard like yourself who speaks her opinions and when confronted with facts to counter her opinion she gets offended and plays her race card! I assume the same way you just did in your comment.

  6. Black version of Hillary. Incoherent.

  7. Obama sucks and so does his husband. I have never been more proud in the usa then when they left the white house. Thank you God. (map)

  8. I was not outraged reference candidate Trump, because it is okay to say if it is true.

    All three, 12:55, although I have no proof the democrat is a women. May be feeling like a male today...who knows.

  9. Isn't she one of those Robots from the preceding article ?

  10. Why do those with the least to say talk the most?

  11. Angry, hateful and racist.

  12. I believe she is our first disgusting FLOTUS.

  13. First USA First Lady with no class at all.

  14. SHE is Sickening !!! Go Away


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