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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Millennials Are Destroying The Next Generation and It’s Ruining America

Respect. Dignity. Gratitude. Pride. Hard work.

These are some of the values that my parents instilled in me. They are values that my wife and I are trying to instill in OUR children.

The same can be said for many of our friends who are also parents. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for many Millennials – and so I’ve got some tough love to share with you that your parents clearly missed the boat on.

You’re screwing up your kids. And for the love of America, you need to get it together.

Did you hear that?

It was the collective gasp of tender little snowflakes across the country, preparing to skip this entire article and head right to the “comments” section so they can declare that I’m parent shaming.

It’s true. I am. Many of you suck at being parents. ‘matter of fact, part of me almost wishes you had to apply for a breeding license these days.

Relax. I’m not here to judge you. Everyone else has already handled that.



  1. LOL, our national debt was driven this high by the baby boomer generation. It is the baby boomer generation that has made the foreign policy and domestic decisions that have put us at where we are today. You gyluys scream on and on about how terrible the US is yet it is YOU who habe held the strings of power.

    1. Sorry but you have not been paying attention. It was Mr Obama who has screwed this nation. Baby boomers don't have much say when a democrat leader acted like a dictator. Baby boomers made this country great and you should be thankful.

  2. This isn't about the debt or foreign policy, junior. It's about young people who are embalmed in artificial self-esteem and can't deal with reality.

    The 'Greatest Generation' of WWII vintage were the ones who really ran the debt off the cliff. The boomers haven't done what they should have quickly enough to fix it (mainly because of young, impressionable first-time voters voting for someone because they think they're 'cute' or 'cool', and ending up with an idiot or two in the White House that sabotaged everything.)

    We're on the job now, Junior, so just hold steady and watch. And if you have good ideas on how to FIX the problems, jump right in..

  3. Am a late gen x with millennial 20 somethings and these kids are stupid lazy and the biggest bunch of crybabies to date.spare the rod spoil the child. Daycare and hugs and kisses have made weak children with no discipline no respect no responsibility, my greatest generation grandparents are rolling in thier graves. They never raised us grandkids that way l, I guess after they spoiled my boomer parents they figured out what went wrong.Now government interferes in parenting and all these touch lovey liberals are breeding wishy washy brats. I'm no beat your kid unmercifully person, but not giving out discipline when it's due or having kids doing odd jobs at early ages and allowing people to suck off welfare has created a lot of lazy weiners, who would let n Korea take us over in a minute.

  4. All of you,
    It is a handful of international banking families who print money out of thin air and own the world's central banks.
    They are laughing at the rest of us for not realizing what a tremendously stupid gig they ran on us.
    Why didn't the government continue to mint coins and regulate the value thereof?

    1. Ask Mr Obama. He gave Iran Billions in cash (so the use of the money could not be traced) in the middle of the night. How much did Mr. Obama keep and how much helped his brothers.


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