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Sunday, December 03, 2017

Lies, Lies And More WWTP Lies

"Old News", REALLY?

Let's start with this fact. The City of Salisbury Waste Water Treatment Plant, (WWTP) is discharging more then three times the allowed pollution into the Wicomico River. WHAT IS ALLOWED, for starters. 

After $140,000,000.00 of taxpayer money already spent on a facility that should've been no more then $35,000,000.00, the system continues to fail. To top it off, the City has been fined over $300,000.00 for discharging waste into the River.

Salisbury News was the first to expose the extremely serious issues a decade ago while your local media, (self proclaimed Delmarva's news leaders, because local matters) failed to publish what we had proven in our investigative reports for weeks. 

To this date the City of Salisbury continues to bring truck load after truck load of sludge to the County Landfill on a daily basis. Keep in mind the Landfill is properly lined to handle such material and such a process is approved by the MDE. The difference here is the volume Salisbury asks to be discharged. I'll get into this much deeper story about sludge in the near future. 

WBOC stated this morning that this is an "Old Story", REALLY? If it's so "old", why didn't you post it and expose it to the public in the first place. 

Mayor Jake Day claims the WWTP will be compliant by December 31, 2017. LIE! Our inside sources tell me there's no way it will be compliant by then and in fact say it won't be on line until the end of April, 2018. Ladies & Gentlemen, seriously, how many years have we heard that facility will be compliant? 

I will be updating this story with more detailed and damaging information in the very near future. I can tell you that should the information I have be confirmed by the proper channels you will be shocked. Just know the FLUFF you are carefully being fed is just that, it's being fed to them and NOT investigated. The local media flat out SUCKS and is proving they are using their influence to protect certain elected officials. 

One thing is for sure, that facility has been in violation for decades. They can say there is some kind of allowance of discharge, but why? $140,000,000.00 later, there should never be any discharge AND I am personally sick and tired of our government pointing fingers at our Farmers, when it is MUNICIPALITIES that are actually causing the pollution. 


  1. Barrie Tilghman's mayoral legacy. She and her buddies would rather forget all about it.

  2. Somewhere along the line I think the problem is perpetuated to keep jobs and govt contract dough flowing

  3. 8:27, you may be on to something. I find it almost impossible to believe that after at least 10+ years and $140 MILLION dollars, a design that works somewhere in the USA cannot be duplicated here in Salisbury Maryland. On any given day there are SIXTY cars parked at the WWTP parking lot at a facility that should only employ maybe 4 people per shift to keep things running, meaning the other 56 workers are still building the danged machine.

    56 x $50k per year = $2.8 MILLION per year. To build a machine that isn't working still.

  4. Oh wait, wasn't this Paul Wilbur's Blunder??

  5. I think the County needs to demand that the City stops bringing that shit/sludge to our County Landfill!

  6. Boy, Salisbury must be rolling in the dough. They can afford to pay 300,000.00 in fines and put on a big on a festival for three years that will cost how much? A couple of hundred thousand more. And they afford to put on a national marathon. Wow, where in the world are they getting all of their money. It can't be coming from taxing employers, there aren't that many of them. Maybe the college or the hospital is fronting this. Doubt it.

    1. That "Festival" is going to cost the tax payers millions not hundred of thousands!

  7. It's nice to spend a warm summer day swimming in the Wicomico

  8. 8:53: You are way off on your numbers. It's worse than you think. The construction jobs at the WWTP are prevailing wage. The government mandates what each trade must at least be paid. The hourly wages range from $40-$60 an hour depending on the trade.

  9. Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen tried to push this into the light and look at the thanks they got.

  10. Wilbur was Tilghman's tool, and he made a small fortune doing her bidding.

  11. 50K hahahaha city people dont get paid that much.

  12. Jake day has some serious mental health issues!! The sad part of it all is he actually believes the garbage that spews from his mouth

  13. Just part of a long list of stupidity of Jake and the Jakettes
    This morning after navigating that ridiculous new website I emailed Neighborhood Services at the published email address - hcdd@salisbury.md- and got this lovely little bounce back.

    Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:
    The e-mail address you entered couldn't be found. Please check the recipient's e-mail address and try to resend the message. If the problem continues, please contact your helpdesk.

    Obvious that the genius that put this flawed website together forgot how to properly type email addresses.

    All that money he is using to fund his crap storm is obviously being taken away from functions that should be SERVING THE TAXPAYING CITIZENS.

  14. And just last summer the city promoted a paddle boarding partnership with Capital SUP and touted the "clean water"....

  15. I'm really worried about our county. Politics is so ugly and good ole boy controlled, good and honest people don't stand a chance. I feel like we are doomed to fail. Anyone see it differently?

  16. Not really, if you really want to run and win be ready for a lot of leg work and holding meetings with the people of that district. You are going to need to find out what THEY want and expect from the county. Listen to them form a platform on what they desire!

  17. Hey....the fish have to eat too!!!!!!!

  18. Having worked in wastewater and credentials from California who have the strictest laws in the states , I find it amusing that you guys allow this to happen. The system they have is a simple yet nonworking system . They have never allowed for expansion . Perdue in the city has their own system that is barely enough for the plant . since the 1970's Purdue has been allowed to discharge into the river due to excess production at times. So having said that the government of your Bury is corrupt and has been for many generations. So sit on it people. I do have to thank Mr. Albero for exposing the truth years ago without any support . I did speak with George Chevalier years ago and wondered why this was allowed , he confirmed what I said , corrupt and crooked government. Give us money and we will try to fix it , it never happened.

    1. Thank you @ 2:00!! Perdue has been pumping god knows what into that river for decades and nothing has ever even been questioned. Every time something comes up they threaten to pick up and head down south and it all quiets down. Now day and daddy day are using and abusing Salisbury residents laughing at you and in the same breath swear to be a true eastern shore Salisbury Maryland resident and will do what's best for the area as a whole. Man day is a piece of shit people

  19. Jake's daddy works for Perdue and the Perdue family thinks of themselves as local royalty. They get away with all kinds of sh^^ without any repercussions. Why do you think that water around Brew River is all mucked up and has never been cleaned up. Where does all that pollution come from? What's right there junking up the Hood? You guessed it. Worst decision Salisbury made putting that plant right there but they wanted it to be near the population who would work plucking chickens for a living.

  20. as they say birds of a feather. chickens are birds to and all these flock together are all liars and only out for themselves. All of them need their feathers plucked out slowly until they see as to what they are responsible for!

  21. Hiding from reality, Jake Day! Pretending that their is no problem and to continue to promote and spend on projects that are money pits. This folk festival is a joke; we don't have the money, staff, infrastructure, to support this event. Selling off parking lots, the old fire house for pennies on the dollar. He has no concept of finance and budget processes. He is mismanaging our funds and should correct the waste water treatment plant ASAP; this should be the cities top priority. No money should be spent until this occurs.

  22. The Perdue Family is the closest thing to royalty locally.....without the Chicken Industry on the Eastern Shore the incomes and economy would really be in the tank!!!! So if you ain't happy with poultry industry....Perdue, Tyson, Mountaire and Allen's then you need to get the hell off the Shore....if you are just some dumb ass making comments from some other location go to hell!!!! Friend of the farmer and living a good life here in SALISBURY from my retirement from the Poultry Industry!!!!!

  23. I can't tell you how many times I have called The Chesapeake Bay foundation's official Alan Girard - about Salisbury's abuse and illegal dumping of raw sewage into the Wicomico River.

    After the 6th publically disclosed violation - I begged Alan Girard to please take action and try and shut the facility down. Yet - it is obvious that it has fallen on deaf ears What-a-shame.

  24. 9:24, the CBF does not exist to clean up the Bay or improve it on any way, shape or form.

    The CBF exists as an entity that pays salaries to people to print brochures and bumper stickers to raise enough money to pay the salaries of the people who, once a year, come together to give the Bay waters a letter grade, (like a C-) to further entice people to donate yet more money to pay the salaries of people to print up yet more bumper stickers and brochures.

    And that's about it.

    Why, what were you thinking they did?

  25. Scary that with all of these so-called environmental groups, Salisbury is the WORST ABUSER, yet the infractions continue and continue and yet nothing is being done. If this were a private entity, the people in charge would have been sent to jail. Maybe it's high time to start incarcerating our leaders for not leading.

  26. Like to know how many locals are working on that project making the 40 to 60 dollars an hour wage?I think none just like usual.

  27. He has got to be the biggest Dumbass in Wicomico County, but for some reason people worship him.

  28. Anonymous Steve said...
    9:24, the CBF does not exist to clean up the Bay or improve it on any way, shape or form.

    The CBF exists as an entity that pays salaries to people to print brochures and bumper stickers to raise enough money to pay the salaries of the people who, once a year, come together to give the Bay waters a letter grade, (like a C-) to further entice people to donate yet more money to pay the salaries of people to print up yet more bumper stickers and brochures.

    And that's about it.

    Why, what were you thinking they did?

    December 3, 2017 at 11:45 AM

    Steve is correct!


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