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Sunday, December 03, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: WBOC's Brian Keane Is Quitting Meteorology For Good

Even though Jimmy Hoppa claimed "no one is going anywhere" earlier this week, it was a lie. Brian Keane is yet another staff member leaving the failing fake fluff news station. Hoppa had to eat his words in this newly released broadcast.

Good Luck in Montana Brian.


  1. Best wishes.
    I always liked the guy.

  2. Stay thirsty, my friend

  3. Leaving because he is being accused of sexual harassment of women in the workplace.

    1. He is openly gay and stank of cigarettes! Walked past my booth at Chinatown buffet and his stench about made me gag. There's a reason smell-o-vision isn't real.

    2. That sounds stupid, are you sure it was him...and was it his company that stink and not Brian

  4. I bet you anything WBOC didn't renew his contract. But he is deciding to leave the industry on his own right? They did the same to Paul Butler and Alice Bavis, yet it's always their decision to leave so WBOC doesn't look bad.

  5. Could not be happier for Brian!
    Made my day 😊

  6. Tv just got a whole less hotter. Montana is gonna have one heck of a stud.

  7. Paul Butler left because he is showboating his pyramid scheme ACN that the Roop's got him sucked into. Watch for his FB posts in Phoenix this weekend showing "how life changing and rich they are and help" while sucking money from the uneducated or poor.

    I like Keane but can definitely account for the sexual innuendos most must be thinking.

    1. Amen on the ACN stuff, if everyone could be a millionaire for 500 bucks why wouldn't everyone do it? You gotta be someone to make it go or you have to have started on the ground floor. Just check out Adam Roop's FB and check out the people be "signs" up daily. The money is made off them recruiting people and having them pay 500, where exactly does the 500 go? Keep your 500 and put in towards your own business, you are still working for ACN your are not an independent business owner. You still have to follow their rules.

  8. I don't think people realize just how bad it is for television and radio financially. As an experiment, ask any age 30 or under people you know if they A) ditched cable b) own a radio c) use an over the air antenna. The result may surprise you.

    Both radio and broadcast television are dying a very rapid death. People are flocking to Hulu, Amazon, Netflix and podcasts in droves and the number has been exponentially increasing by the month.

  9. Great guy, always admired him. All the best on your big move.

  10. No great loss! Bye and don't let the door hit you in the Ass.

  11. @ 9:37 Who talks like that anymore ? Hello 1980's.

  12. I always liked Brian Keane and worked for his dad knew the family. The very best is wished for you, WBOC is going down just like the Daily Times. It is a fluff station that has very little truth. We have Direct TV which unfortunately doesn't carry Baltimore which I always watched their local news coverage for this area was more accurate than WBOCTV.

  13. I like him, but stopped watchING WBOC a few months ago. Got tired of the Trump bashing fake news, and the all Delaware all the time news and advertising. I'm a Maryland resident and I want to know what is going on in Annapolis that affects us here. You don't get this from WBOC's all Delaware all the time news and inaccurate weather!

  14. Always liked his on-air demeanor. Best of luck to him!

  15. I take it that the dude referenced to is in the photo. I haven't watched local stations in many years. Now I see why, he has his eyes closed just as tight as mine.

  16. Good move B. We'll be out soon to visit and the door is always open here on the shore! Summer is only 200 days away!


  18. Sorry to see him go! I thought he really loved surfing. Not much of that in Montana. Chase your dreams while you are young. I thought he was overlooked when they brought in Dan.....so I can see him looking for something else.

  19. Take Dimwit Dan with you

  20. I quit watching WBOC in the morning. I watch the 2 beautiful ladies on 47.

  21. Its Miller Time all the time now for Brian!

  22. He just got Canned ( Real Story )
    He will open a Craft Brew in Montana !!! LOL

  23. I noticed it was all a Taped Good By , Not Live in case he
    Had anything Bad to say about WBOC !!! LOL

    1. Exit videos are commonly made when reporters start so that they can gracefully be used to leave the station.. I believe it's part of their contract so they can be fired on the spot. I think WMDT has the tapes of their reporters exits prepared just in case they need a smooth exit.

  24. DWI's did him in ......Bad press for WBOC !!!

  25. Nice job Brian. Thanks for your contributions to Delmarva.
    Your emotional message was touching. Aim high buddy and all the best!

  26. Unless you work for the government or a huge media outlet, being a meteorologist has a very limited career ladder.

  27. I liked his quick wit. I am changing stations for sure. His departure sealed that deal.
    I sent emails and emailed photos. NO RESPONCE EVER ....The station doesnt care about people....yet without the local people, they wouldnt have news.

  28. Nice guy sorry to see him leave. When in the community always greeted with a smile.Best too his new career.


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