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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Lead BLM Investigator Blows Whistle, Exposes Government Conspiracy Against The Bundy Family

The lead BLM investigator in the Bundy Ranch case has blown the whistle exposing “far-reaching misconduct, recklessness and unrestrained antipathy toward the family.”

Bunkerville, NV — The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) lead investigator into the failed Bundy Ranch operation that took place April of 2014 has blown the whistle in an effort to expose far-reaching misconduct, recklessness, corruption and unrestrained persecutory behavior toward the Bundy family.

The Bundys and other defendants are currently on trial for conspiring to stop federal authorities from confiscating family cattle after Cliven Bundy failed to pay grazing fees and fines for years. They’re also facing charges relating to using or carrying a firearm in a crime of violence, threatening a federal law enforcement officer, obstruction of justice and extortion. Their trial began Nov. 14 in Las Vegas.



  1. It's everywhere people. It is right in our backyard.

  2. The west has a different mindset however, they will fight it as proof by this case. These men have been in prison for 2 years for standing up for their rights and the trial keeps getting pushed back. People have to fight for themselves its obvious the deck is stacked against us.

  3. I hope Trump can reel in some of this government corruption. And this is the reason the 2nd amendment is so important.

  4. The People keep forgetting the 10th Amendment, that our Constitution limits the powers of the Federal Government, and preserves power to the States, and above all, the People. WE come first as a power here, NOT the Feds!


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