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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Burlington Rebrands Itself To Show It's More Than Just Coats: Read Publishers Notes Below

One of Burlington Coat Factory's biggest obstacles in recent years might have been right there in the retailer's name: coats.

There was a bit too much emphasis on coats, many believed, and not enough on T-shirts, dresses, table linens, fragrances, makeup and other things that exist outside the business of cold winters — in essence, the sales opportunities for retailers in the other three seasons.

But after being taken private a decade ago and public again in 2013, the off-price chain — now called Burlington Stores (BURL) — has tried to turn that perception around. Perhaps most importantly, Burlington has put more effort into expanding and improving its home, beauty and women's sportswear items, which can work better as gifts and draw more store traffic in the non-winter months.

"And now obviously they don't call themselves Burlington Coat Factory," RBC analyst Brian Tunick told IBD. "So that should be some signal to you and the shoppers that they used to make (all) of their profits in the holiday quarter, and they would live and die by the cold winter."


Publishers Notes: Yesterday WBOC, WMDT and the DT's seemed to make a massive deal about Burlington coming to the Centre at Salisbury. However, what cracked me up is the following, (and above). They ALL called them "Burlington Coat Factory". Wait, it gets even funnier. I know for a fact that they run commercials whereas Burlington flat out expresses how they rebranded their name and yet these sources don't even watch their own commercials to know better. Maybe WBOC needed this exposure after eating crow yesterday bragging about a local business closing. 


  1. Just what Salisbury needs, another 'discount' store.

    1. Just what Salisbury needs, another negative person. If it was a high-end store you would be saying, just what Salisbury needs, another place too expensive just shop. It’s not really hard to see why so many businesses stay away from the area. The negativity projected by most of the people that live there is enough to keep anyone away.

  2. Local media is....well, the only source for news here on the shore is SBYNEWS! Period/end of story! Just the fact ma'am!

    Thanks Joe!

  3. Burlington once expressed an interest in the old mall property.Why this was not applauded by everyone involved is a mystery.Burlington would have been an ideal fit for that property.More things would have followed,because 90 acres is a big piece of land.

  4. You are lucky to be getting a store as "upscale" as Burlington in Deadsbury.

  5. "Upscale?" You don't get out much.

  6. Burlington carries quality products. I've bought a lot of Columbia performance outerwear at Burlington for dirt cheap. No complaints from this outdoorsman!

  7. Every Burlington coat store I have been to is like going to a Goodwill store. Most of the coats look used and after market. The stores all look run down and the clientele all look like they just came out of the hood. Been to stores in New Jersey and Annapolis. Depressing place to shop!

  8. 9:57 If you don't understand the meaning of a word placed in quotations, you should read more. It's called sarcasm.

  9. Their stores are trash.


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