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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Chicago Judge gives woman charged in Facebook Live hate crime a shocking sentence - Hot Air

The first of four adults charged in January with the hate crime of a white special needs 18-year-old has been freed on probation in what many people are likely to believe is a rather light sentence compared to the crime. Ed initially wrote about this story when it broke.

Brittany Covington narrated a Facebook Live video showing the special needs teen being tortured and humiliated in the Chicago apartment she shared with her sister Tanishia, who is still behind bars in this matter along with co-defendants Tesfaye Cooper and Jordan Hill.



  1. This sick , our legal system is screwed up , they are afraid of black retaliation or just afraid . It doesn't matter , if they had murdered this man they still would get a smack on the wrist. It's a commin folks!

  2. And you say cops and judges are here to help you... Think again...

    Why is it, everyday we see how bad cops and judges are, yet you people still suck on their ass cheeks??? Why is that??? Other than your typical bull shit statement, they protect and server, yeah looks like they protected the criminal and served the one be attacked, there are other jobs out here far more dangerous, and with people putting their live on the line as well, but I don't see you riding their ass cheeks... What about the military men who fight and die for you to say what you want and do what you want??? What about steel workers who build the cars and buildings you live in and shop in and use to get to said places???? What about mine workers??? Plenty of jobs and people putting their live in danger for you, but no praise for them> Why is that???? Doesn't fit your narrative?

    1. 351 why are you blaming the cops? If your white in America then your skin is your sin. However I don't see what police did wrong in this. I think your a liberal snowflake pretending to be conservative.

  3. Banned from using social media for four years? I'll give it three months, tops, before she breaks.

  4. @anonymous 3:51pm 12/13/17

    Ever thought that the only reason you hear about the bad apple cops and judges is because there are far more of them doing the right thing? And your precious netflix and online dating time would be ruined by constant news of "Lt. Great Cop saved drowning child from alligator's death roll." I bet you were supposed to be "working" when you posted your comment, but instead you go to SBY "news" for your info. Come on, man.

  5. This is terrible but have faith. This POS will end up murdered herself because she is ghetto garbage or end up committing another crime where she will end up rotting away in prison. It always happens. The problem is this useless filth multiplies like cockroaches but when it comes to parenting they never evolved into civilized people so the cycle continues.

  6. She'll be back in jail within a year. Instead of looking at her sentence as a gift and change her ways, the thug-life will win out. The victim should sue all of them. While they don't have a pot to pee in and probably never will, it will still be a pain in their arse for the rest of their lives with their Burger King paychecks getting garnished...

  7. 3:51 you should do as the doctor advised and take the whole pill. Stop breaking them in half, you will feel better resulting in being able to think straight. Go ahead, take the other half now, don't wait until tomorrow. Good luck!

  8. Nothing but a career criminal who will be in and out of the system, nice legal system we have.


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