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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Woman Says George H.W. Bush Groped Her When She Was 16

Another woman has come forward to accuse former President George H.W. Bush of groping her, an incident she says took place when she was just 16 years old and he was 79. The alleged incident also took place before George H.W. Bush had been confined to a wheel chair, which would negated past assertions by his spokesman that the alleged groping incidents were just unfortunate byproducts of his medical condition.

Speaking with TIME, Roslyn Corrigan claimed her meeting with the former president back in 2003 turned sour when he donned his "David cop-a-feel" persona and pinched her butt while posing for a photo.



  1. I am 63 years old and went to the WH and saw Bill Clinton there. He grabbed me by the genitals in the West Wing. Now I want a million dollars.

    Pay me or I go to the MSM liars.

  2. Just because you elderly, dementia, confined to a wheelchair with 24 hrs nursing care doesn't give you a right. Jail time?also you just need accusations not actual investigation, lawsuit, witnesses, court with the penalty of purging, cross examination our justice system NOOO!! Accusation is enough.

  3. I've been groped by all my teachers, george Bush, both of them, Roseanne Barr, Peg Bundy, Redd Foxx, and of course Bill Cosby.

    Gimme 2 million and I'll stuff!

  4. I groped a girl when I was in 3rd grade on the bus. She walked by and I gabir booty. Sue me!

  5. When do we move on to the BIG LEAGUES....Bill Clinton.

  6. This is the sorta thing that keeps me from being POTUS. Hard to tell what they would find in my closet 40 or more years ago.

  7. And a very ugly girl says he groped her when she was 12, back in 2001, so what, get over yourself and move on.

  8. 11:21 Move the the BIGGER league...Donald Trump

  9. 14 years ago and she just now wants to try and get her 15 minutes of fame? Yeah, right. If it didn't bother her then, she has no claim now.


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