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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Roy Moore Responds To Mitch McConnell

Just minutes after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sided with "the women," and called for Alabama Senate candidate to "step aside," the outspoken former judge has responded...
We suspect this twitter battle is far from over, and for now President Trump has not stepped in. As Axios notes, this is setting up as a proxy war, with Steve Bannon (who has called for McConnell to be removed as speaker) on a mission to discredit Moore's accusers and McConnell intent on forcing Moore from the race.



  1. The good judge is 100% correct about McConnel (Ronald McDonald).

  2. Would good ole Mitch step aside if somebody just came out and said that HE did something like that 30-40 years ago? I seriously doubt. it.

  3. Mitch McDonnell is one of the worst RINO cheesecake establishment Communists ever to stain the Republican Party and should have been tossed to the curb years ago.

    Drain that swamp, Judge Moore!


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