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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Who Wants One?


  1. There is no such thing as a “fast” lane. The speed is the SAME in both lanes!!

  2. That’s all you would see on rt. 50!!

  3. That sign plays to every aggressive, dangerous driver on this blog. I'm sure there will be lots of agreement.

  4. The real problem is speeding, not going to slow in the fast lane. No one should be going over the speed limit in either lane. My sign would say "slow down and save a life".

  5. I'm noticing more and more of this going the speed limit in the passing lane. They never change to the right lane to let others go by. Its just passive aggressive and rude.

  6. I want one that says, " PUT DOWN THE DAMN PHONE AND PAY ATTENTION!!!!"

  7. It's called the "passing lane" not the fast lane. The speed limit is the same in ALL lanes. I get tired of people riding your bumper trying to get you to speed-up, all that does is make me want to slow down.

    1. Then you shouldn’t have a license!

  8. Don't forget to have a frigg'in bike lane ....Oh Yea !!

  9. it all comes down to basic driver courtesy....are people really that stupid that they get their entertainment by blocking the flow of traffic in the left lane?

  10. Rule of the road, Keep right, Pass left....Not Keep left and do the speed limit because it is the same in both lanes.....Idiot people..

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's called the "passing lane" not the fast lane. The speed limit is the same in ALL lanes. I get tired of people riding your bumper trying to get you to speed-up, all that does is make me want to slow down.

    November 29, 2017 at 10:14 AM

    Yes the speed limit is the same in all lanes but the better question is if you are in the left lane(as you state it is the passing lane) why aren't you passing and then getting over to the right lane.

    If you pass and then pull over then maybe other people won't be riding your bumper and causing you grief. It shouldn't take more than 30 seconds to pass another car(I have seen a car take 5 minutes to pass another car on the interstate and have over 20 cars stacked behind him, talk about an accident waiting to happen). If another car comes up behind you while you are passing a car use the accelerator under your right foot and speed up and get around the car you are passing. Problem solved and everyone is happy.

    You are not the arbiter of speed that is left to the police and the courts. Remember if you are driving on the highway and nobody is around you then you can't be involved in a multi car accident.

  12. There are signs on every major highway that "state slower traffic keep right".

  13. This sign might as well read....SHOOT ME.

    Think twice idiot!


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