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Wednesday, November 29, 2017



  1. and MAKE Mexico Pay for it !!! LOL Tax the Booze !!!!

  2. I'm so sick of hearing this. Do we need a wall, yes we do. However when you turn it into a rallying cry and make disparaging remarks about Mexican people it really makes me not want to be associated with you. Mexican people are wonderful, hard-working, religious people. As a whole the Mexican population residing in our country are a net POSITIVE.
    The wall and border security would help the people of Mexico probably more than us. As drugs move North guns move South. In a country that doesn't allow guns it has enabled the Cartels to gain a chokehold on the Government and people and they hold their power with terrorist acts.
    If you shipped out every Mexican-American and built a wall your food costs would skyrocket and agroculture companies would leave the US. We have a broken immigration system because these companies benefit from having employees they can underpay, overwork and abuse with no threat of recourse. The wall needs to be built and the system needs to be reformed so that everyone within this country has a level playing field.

  3. Mexico Shoots those who cross their borders , so WE are just
    too Nice and civilized here in America .....a Wall , OH My


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