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Sunday, November 05, 2017

Until Some Pissed Off Spouse Kicked Out The Lights...

SPD glows purple this weekend to help raise awareness about Domestic Violence & show support for victims & survivors. DV affects us all.


  1. Jake day have you had one idea in that pea shaped brain that was original??

  2. We are all victims

  3. The importance is the reason not who up drew the plan. I expect Jake was not the inventor as October Is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Call me a snowflake (even though I'm approaching 75) but IMO, as a long ago victim, I approve.
    Back in my day one tried to hide the truth. Sadly, the publicity is showing up on here, after the fact. I wonder how many rode by SP Station wondering why it was bathed in purple.

  4. I try not to ride through the hood, but when necessary I don't look up there because of watching the road for rude drivers of small vehicles in and out of traffic. All while shooting out of a side street and gone after tripping the light for travelers to wait for them.
    This crap started when the previous failed president was hold up in our white house. If this does the trick, why not have colors for drug prevention, awareness. They have had "War on Drugs" since I was a kid and I too am in my seventy's.

  5. Typical, they do a display for something and the natural reaction around here is "Why didn't they do this!? Or this?!". Such a petty place.

    1. Yes nothing says we're going to fight domestic violence like a couple of purple lights. With all the crime that is covered up by Day who can actually take him serious

  6. One thing they cannot do is change the location of the SPD after spending a fortune building this one.Stop even thinking about it & stop browsing other potential sites.And no council drama please.The SPD is where it belongs.

  7. SPD and the mayor are making woman Victims by covering up crime.

  8. Wonder why purple? It's the color of a bruise.

  9. Anonymous said...
    MIC Drop.

    October 30, 2017 at 1:39 PM

    Only a dumb as would keep using that childish "mic drop" crap from a childish, immature and uneducated illegal Muslim from Kenya that illegally occupied the White House.

  10. I would love to see President Trump do the "MIC drop" and see what the liberal media and the Libtards would say about that.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Jake day have you had one idea in that pea shaped brain that was original??

    October 30, 2017 at 5:30 AM


  12. ICE RINK AT THE PARK? Now that's a liability lawsuit just waiting to happen! Thanks for wasting my taxes on this stupidity.

    I have seen the mulititude of equipment and manpower standing around doing nothing, I wondered what was going on.

    Now we know.

  13. Is this how Jake Day is going to say he spent the $350,000 grant from the DOJ. Purple display lights? Somehow don't think the DOJ is going to be fooled by this misappropriation. Keep it up, Jake. Next to Hillary, your perp walk is long anticipated!

  14. Board of Ed hires people with DV charges even on children. Look at Bennett Middle School front office staff


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