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Sunday, November 05, 2017

AGAIN: Girl Beat With Baseball Bat By Teens In Baltimore...

Another brazen assault, and another mother left in awe. It’s a story that is only being shared with WJZ.

“These attacks, these assaults, someone is going to get killed,” said Kia Martin, whose daughter was attacked at the Inner Harbor on Halloween.

For the third time in just days, a group of teens strike yet again at the Inner Harbor.

This time, Kia Martin’s daughter is one of the victims.

“The group of teens surrounded my daughter and her friends,” she said. “My daughter was stomped, kicked, punched, thrown to the ground, beat with a baseball bat.”

“She has three staples in her head, both of her hands are broken. I’m pissed. I’m pissed,” she said. “I just don’t understand why a group would want to go around and terrorize innocent people. My daughter walks that path to and from school every day, and to think that this can happen, it scares the hell out of me.”

More here


  1. Thank Obama holder and Dems for this they're going to get there race war.

  2. They should start suing the city of Baltimore. They are the ones that have basically castrated the police department. They are the ones that let these repeat offenders stay on the streets. They are the ones that allow them the space to destroy. And shame on you Governor Hogan for allowing the continued stifling of the Second Amendment here in Maryland. Maybe the people of Baltimore should contact the Guardian Angles in NYC to get some information and start your own chapter. The clown mayor isn't going to help you.

  3. I agree. Some one bigger than just thugs are behind this.

  4. Black on White crime is never reported in the Media.

  5. Interesting the victim is black. What races where the attackers? I can guess. I was at the inner harbor a few months ago enjoying an Orioles game followed by good times with friend over a few post game beers. Walked the harbor enjoying the sites. Had a great time. Not to sure about that anymore. If this type of activity is ignored, it will escalate to being common. That will be when the general public will need to take a stand and I don’t mean at the voting booth. Where a Charles Bronson when we need him.

    1. I would say it has become common NOW!

  6. a violent breed anybody not Black that goes to downtown Baltimore is a fool.

  7. If concealed carry ever becomes legal in Maryland, these types of attacks will immediately cease. These attacks don't happen where there are concealed carry, or open carry, laws.

  8. If I lived in Baltimore, I would carry, legal or not. We would all go to jail, or some to the morgue, if they attacked me.

  9. Baltimore is nothing but a cesspool

  10. 12:11 , Are you aware that the cases referenced were not all black on white ? And Follow up ,why are you focusing on the race of the perpetrators instead of focusing on the fact that these awful crimes are occurring ?

    1. Ohhhhhh please snowflake when was the last time you seen a bunch of white Mormons doing the knock out game .
      The truth hurts.

  11. >>>why are you focusing on the race of the perpetrators<<<

    Why is that not relevant? If there is a violent trend forming at the Inner Harbor(and apparently there is) anyone with any sense would want to know the details so they can avoid the same circumstances. Race of the perpetrators has been a consistent factor in this series of events. Are you denying that?

  12. all this PC crap. you can't call them what they are because people get horrified if the "N" word is mentioned by anyone who is not one. Keep coddling them and giving in to their ridiculous demands and threats.

    Stop accepting blame for something you had no part of. This "white guilt" is going to get us killed, and these attacks are a prelude of what's to come if not corrected now.

    I'm tired of seeing people get beat up and not fight back. They are bullies and need to be stood up to.

  13. Typical cowards. Attacking in a group on one person. Concealed carry would stop this. It has to be stopped, one way or another.

  14. Is it time to bring in the National Guard? This is a public safety issue that shouldn't be ignored. We are talking about domestic terrorism here so do something Mayor.


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