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Thursday, November 02, 2017

Trump Blames Schumer Immigration Policy For NYC Terror Attack

Update: Schumer has responded on twitter, first blasting Trump's accusation, stating "I guess it's not too soon to politicize a tragedy"...
... as well as posting a statement in response to Trump’s proposed funding cuts to anti-terrorism efforts:
My full statement in response to President Trump’s proposed funding cuts to anti-terrorism efforts:
Other Democrats also criticized the president’s reaction. “I think it’s kind of absurd in the hours after this terrible attack to be using it as a fulcrum for a debate that’s been going on in Congress for completely different reasons,” Representative Adam Schiff of California said on MSNBC on Wednesday. “I’ve never really heard this made as a security argument, and I think to use this tragedy in that way to push a different agenda is not what the president ought to be doing right now."

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, a potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, also jabbed at Trump for politicizing the tragedy according to Bloomberg.

“I don’t think this is the time to get political,” he told MSNBC. “We had a policy, an immigration policy in place in the ’90s. It was a bipartisan policy. It was signed by a Republican president. There’s no doubt that we have to be smarter and have more intelligent but there’s also no doubt that this is not the time to play politics. This is not the time to foment hate. This is not the time to divide, because they all exacerbate the situation, right? This is the time to forge alliances with our allies.”


In a series of tweets this morning following the tragic terrorist event in downtown Manhattan yesterday afternoon, President Trump has laid part of the blame for the terrorist attack squarely at the feet of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer: "The terrorist came into our country through what is called the "Diversity Visa Lottery Program," a Chuck Schumer beauty..."


  1. They can even keep track of their own people.
    After the Vegas shooting, it took about 20 minutes for these same slimy "leaders" to begin screeching about "gun control".
    Schumer and Bloomberg included.


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