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Thursday, November 02, 2017

Electronic Parking Meters Come To Downtown Salisbury Maryland

$1.00 per hour minimum, $5.00 for four hours. I really don't think it will take much for ANYONE to run against Mayor Jake Day and win. 


  1. Joe you running again? Job pays $75k now.

  2. So, if you desire the convenience of not having to feed the 'meter' every hour, it will cost you more? $5.00 v. $1.00/hr.

  3. Why would anyone want to go there?

  4. Just one more reason NOT to visit downtown Salisbury.

  5. Why? What's wrong with the ones already there? Jakey spends money like there is no tomorrow.

  6. $1.00 and hours or $5.00 for 4 hours? How does that make any sense? they're rapping you a whole dollar. Who wants to be down there for more than an hour anyway.

  7. just gearing up for the folk festival rip off..

  8. OMG...those things will totally befuddle the Eastern Shore folk....

  9. How much did these things cost? At least $2,000 each.

    1. LoL you are way off on that one.

  10. I think that is a permit parking lot with a few meter spots, how are they going to monitor the parking lot. Who is to say that people pay to park but take up permit parking spots.

  11. 9:56 AM no, not the point. but thanks for the insult.

  12. As a biker these are a problem. You pay and place receipt in windshield. So how's that work for motorcycles? So idiot can come and take my receipt and use it.

  13. People amaze me when it comes to parking which is an option but won't stand up against their civil liberties.

  14. There is absolutely nothing in downtown Salisbury worth paying a dollar an hour for. Ocean City doesn't even charge that much to park during peak season. Tax, tax, tax, take, take, take, tax! That is all a Democratic liberal knows how to do. Jake Day is a fool, those meters and prices just put the final nail in the coffin for downtown. Pray you never have to go to court in Wicomico county!

  15. What do you think you are getting when you elect liberal dumb-aces?

    You are getting (every time) someone who will walk up to you, ask for your wallet, draw a big "X" on it, and start taking shots at it.
    Until you are working two jobs to pay for all their dreams.
    Keep cheering.

  16. Will NOT be coming downtown any longer!!! None of the other small towns on Delmarva have this issue. Wake UP you idiots.

  17. This is how democrats operate. Did the same with Tabacoo and booze. Then end up losing money. Stupid fools

  18. Jakie....JAKIE???? Wake up Jakie and stop playing your video games!!!

  19. So how much does it cost to install a meter? Do they run on batteries(?) or
    do they run an electric circuit to it.. ANYWAY.. its a waste of taxpayers money

  20. $5 for 4 ???? Shouldn't it 5 hrs for $4 ????

  21. I agree with the nail in the coffin comment.
    I can shop for free everywhere, except down town.
    I can park for free and eat, except for downtown.
    Why go there?

  22. This is hysterical because everyone and their mother will be offering parking for the festival at prices below what the city is charging.
    Every empty lot should charge $5 for the day parking, make a killing and leave the city high and dry.

  23. This is the problem when politicians have too much free time on their hands. They come up with stupid ideas when they have no actual work to do.

  24. Wait there a minute 1:43 PM....if you open a parking space and charge for it inside the City limits you will need to come see me and purchase a business license.....not giving any free rides in my beloved City!!!!!!

  25. How is it a $1 a HR and $5 for four MORE ANTI BUSINESS BS

  26. Park in the garage, take your ticket to the library and get it stamped and you get 3 hours of free parking. Or park for free for 2 hours in lot 1 by the library. Then you pay the $1 an hour in both locations.

  27. So what's in downtown Salisbury? Been here 10 years and nothing has attracted me downtown. Folk festival doesn't interest me. Any good restaurants.

  28. This is how Jake the Snake plans on raising the 2.1 million for the Salisbury Fake Festival.

  29. I really wish someone would use this thing for target practice.

  30. Pretty sure most of downtown parking are those going to court, which can take way more than 1 hour

  31. Why replace functioning meters with ones more expensive to purchase and maintain? Sounds like your tax dollars are going towards buying Jake Days future favors.


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